Chapter 31 : Clair de Lune

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« Alright so : shower first, then : make up, and finally : outfit. », I said, as soon as I came in my room. « But what should I wear ? »

I was walking in circle in my room, overthinking again. I stopped in front of my mirror, looking at my current outfit – a dark blue dress – and had a look through my window. The wather seemed to stay nice tonight, but Hyrule was a capricious land...

« He said he'll bring me somewhere. So, do I have to wear something casual or elegant ? A light make up or something fancy ? », I kept asking myself, opening my dressing room's door.

I stared at the huge dressing in front of me, full of too many clothes. I touched the features of the ones I liked most, but I kept hesitating.

« Oh Link please ! », I groaned, frustrated by the lack of informations he gave me.

I had a look at my clock. 4:45PM. I was already late.

I ran into my shower, still thinking about those same old questions under the hot water. My skin was quickly turning red, and the air became too heavy and too humid to overthink. That oppressive ambiance avoided me to think about too many details, and thank to this, only the evident options became clearer. And, for once, I found an answer.

He is a famous athlete and he knows I want to keep our... relationship a secret. Theorically, he chosed a quiet place where we could be alone.

Two options : Chudley's, a fancy restaurant with intimacy but the waiters used to spread gossips, or outside of CastleTown, where there is no fancy places.

I wrapped my body in a towel, dried my hair and applied a touch of makeup. Then, I walked out of the bathroom and went back in my dressing room, staring at the huge amount of clothes inside.

We were at the beggining of october, so the air can be cool at night, but fortunately it wasn't raining. I picked up a black trouser, a beige blouse and my black Vans. I was about to leave when I thought about something.

Father's not there, so I'll spend the whole night alone. Maybe I should grab something in the event of a sleepover ? Or not ? Or maybe he'll think I'm a girl of easy virtue ?

5:30 PM.

I'm late !

I acted without thinking and grabbed a jogging, a tank top and his sweater, my toothbrush, hair brush and make-up, and put it in my bag, ready to leave the house.

My stress grew gradually as I was driving to the frat house, thinking about my outfit, my bag in my trunk, his roommates, and the secret place.

I felt my hands sweating, my heart pounding and my breath becoming heavy. I tried to do breathing exercises or listening to classic music but it didn't work. Even his playlist didn't ease my mind.

I parked my car in front of his dorms and had a look at myself in the sun visor's mirror. So, make-up, okay, teeth, okay and hair, okay.

Okay Zelda, take your courage in both hands. You already dated him once, so now you're used to it.

I took a deep breath before opening my car's door and walking towards the frat house. A bit white house with a blue roof, two columns in front of the facade.

Who am I fooling ? I'm not used to it ! I'm scared !

But my feet were automatically moving and, before I could even think of it, I was standing in front of the main door. I lifted my hand and finally knocked on his door and patiently waited.

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