Chapter 100 : Lighthouse

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Link's POV.

A radiant beam through the darkness, nearly blinding to be honest. I raised my hand in front of my eyes, hoping I could see something clear, but I couldn't. The only thing I could see was that mesmerizing, somehow terrifying, but also welcoming warm, bright light.

Though I couldn't see what was around me, I could feel its warmth envelopping me, reassuring me. Something I desperately needed, especially today

I heard a voice. Someone was calling my name, but I couldn't properly hear what it was saying. Or who was it.

I was lost. I was lost in the darkness, and only that golden light was guiding me.

Where ? I didn't know. But, as kept walking towards the light, I could hear the voice becoming louder and louder.

A woman.

She was talking to me, but I couldn't understand a word. I was too far from here. But... I knew deep inside me that I had to join her. I had to understand what she was saying. I had to understand who she was. I had to see her, as if I needed her to survive.

Suddenly,the voice faded, such as the light. And I ended up in the darkness once more.

Why should I keep going if you're not close to me ?

So, I stopped walking. I stopped running. I stopped everything, surronded by the cold and dark night around me. Lost.

I didn't know how long it lasted, but, even if I was still stuck in the darkness, the place became a bit warmer. But the light couldn't be seen again. And warmth got replaced by coldness two other times before I could see a little glimmer far away from me.

What's going on here ?

The voice was still missing, however. But, seeing this little glow far from me, nothing more than just a firefly, gave me all the strength I needed to walk again. Because, I knew something : if I got close enough to the light, I could hear that beautiful voice once more.

So I walked agin. Even if it was extremely hard for me not to get swallowed by darkness again. Because I knew I had to meet her again. I knew I had to get close to her. Because I knew she was the one I needed to survive.

And, as soon as I could finally hear her melodious voice again, I started running.

I wanted to understand what she was saying. I wanted to catch every single word. I wanted her. As if she was the oxygen that used to fill my lungs, as if she was the reason why my heart was beating, as if she was a part of my soul.

But, just like earlier, the light vanished away and her voice faded, without knowing why.

It's so frustrating !

Every time I finally got close to her, she disappeared. And I couldn't know why.

Every time, she disappeared, I got lost, stuck in the darkness and unable to move, ready to get swallowed by the immensity of the obscurity. And I couldn't know why.

But I knew something. I knew that she will come back, and I knew that I will get even closer as soon as I will hear her voice again. Her beautiful voice, accompanied by that bright and warm golden light.

What if it was Hylia herself ?

Then I should consider myself as one of the luckiest guy on earth. I meant, she was our goddess, our protector.

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