Chapter 83 : We should stop seeing each other

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Zelda's POV.

My head was so painful this morning, just like my stomach, and I let my hand search for a bottle of water on the bedside table while my eyes were still closed.

But they didn't find anything. So, I hardly opened my eyes and I felt like the crude light of this first morning of the year was literally killing me.

Next to me, Link was still peacefully sleeping, wearing a t-shirt this time, and, fortunately, I was wearing my own pajamas too.

He was adorable, peacefully sleeping, peacefully breathing, with his long and messy hair circling his face. But only one thing was spoiling this cute scene. A dark bruise on the corner of his mouth.

How did you get this one ?

I will ask him later, for the moment he should keep sleeping. Those past days were pretty intense, and, as he always was the first one awake, I thought letting him in Morpheus' arms was the least I could do.

I quietly turned my body and finally reached the bottle of water I was craving for, and saw two pills on his bedside table. One for him and one for me.

It should be said, we both drank a lot yesterday. Like very very much. Maybe I drank more than him, and all of the cups we drank were filled with alcohol. And I could tell drinking water eased my bellyache.

But, well, the world is still reeling.

Whatever, maybe a hot shower will help me to heal faster ? Well, probably, actually. At least I won't feel that dirty. I didn't know if I brushed my teeth yesterday, seriously that was disgusting !

I quickly opened the wardrobe and stared at the beautiful dress I wore yesterday.

I'd never seen a dress that beautiful, and his face when he saw me in it for the first time will be stuck in my mind for ever. His eyes were full of love, full of desire and I immediately understood how much he liked it, how pretty he found me inside. And the fact that he put it on a hanger in the wardrobe melted my heart.

He is so attentive.

I quietly came out of our room, still smiling like a fool even if my whole body was painful, and I hesitantly walked towards the bathroom, ready to let the burning water ease the pain, relaxing my muscles and clearing up my thoughts. And just as I thought, the feeling of being perfectly clean from my hair to my toes helped me feel a lot better.

I went in the corridor right after I put my jogging on – and the black hoodie with his name on it – and directly went dowstairs, taking a large trash bag before I started cleaning the living room.

Of course, I was the first one awake, but Saki was the next one to get out of bed. And her help was so precious, even if I only asked her to hold the bucket next to me. I didn't want her to do anything because of her pregnancy – even if she kept telling she was okay to do something more than this –, her health was too important.

Two hours later, the house was nearly clean, my head wasn't painful anymore but I still felt sick. And the little apple I ate wasn't enough to ease the pain in my stomach. But I was so glad to see one of the boys joining us, even if he was wearing his sunglasses.

« Hello. », the dark-haired boy said in a hoarse voice.

« Hey Bozai, how are you ? », Saki asked, standing next to me while I was mopping the floor.

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