Chapter 87 : I'm scared

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« So, how did it go with Roro ? », Impa asked.

It's been a very long time since we didn't spend a moment, just the two of us at school, and I was so happy to finally share that lunch with her today. The air was still cold but the bright sun helped us heat our bodies up while we were walking along the campus.

« Oh, well as you can imagine he wasn't happy to see him at first. »

« What ? The great Rhoam Bosphoramus wasn't fond of the idea of you and a boy ? And especially with someone who's not a lawyer or Hyrule's President or an astronaut ? What a surprise ! », she laughed, rolling her eyes.

« No one would have guessed it. », I chuckled.

« But what did he said ? »

« I already told you they met in Oslo, but Father thought I had another boyfriend before him and he started to tell him how he betrayed he felt by telling him, I quote, 'sleeping in her bed instead of keeping an eye on her'. », I said rolling my eyes, making her laugh even more.

« Rhoam... »

« But I explained he was already with me before, so he completely lost his mind, telling him how disappointed he was, that he doesn't want to call him by his last name because he 'dragged his name through the mud' and stuff like that. »

« Bruh your father is soooo old-school. »

« Indeed ! », I sighed. « So I snapped back and he started to ask Link what were his intentions with me, and of course I just wanted to die at this moment. Seriously, that was so embarrassing ! »

« So Link said something or you defended him all night long ? »

« N- N- No. He said something... », I said, a bit embarrassed, and I saw how badly she wanted to know everything. « Okay, that was the cutest declaration of all times. He said I was the only thing he sees, that he could die for me and that he loves me. »

« He really said 'I love your daughter, Rhoam' in front of him ? », she said with round eyes, holding me the main of an unknown building open while I nodded. « Wow. That guy doesn't fear death. Or maybe he is completely dumb. »

« Impa ! »

« Chill out Princess, I'm just kidding. So he said it, and what ? Daddy Roro tried to kill him ? »

« You really should stop with that goofy nickname, I'm pretty sure you'll call him that way one day, and, that time, you will be the deadman. », I said while we were walking along the dark corridors. « Where are we going ? »

« Surprise ! And don't try to avoid the subject, I lead you and you speak ! »

« Alright, alright. », I chuckled. « So, right after this he offered him a glass of wine before toasting to our relation, which was super weird. And he started to ask him many things about his life, until they started to laugh together. Seriously that was so odd ! »

« What the fuck ? Roro was laughing with a boy who's sleeping with his little daughter ? »

« Super weird. But of course we argued a bit when he figured out Link already came here. Happily it didn't last long. », I lied, hiding my panic attack while we were climbing too many stairs. « Wow, I'm completely out of breath ! »

« There's only four floors, Princess, go on ! »

« Only ?! »

« Stop complaining and keep talking ! »

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