Chapter 43 : Thief

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The house was nearly clean when I came in.

Teba and Revali were filling big trash bags with all the empty cups, empty bottles and rotten food while Bozai and Saki were wiping the floor and washing the dishes. Link, however, was nowhere to be seen.

A nice pop music was filling the place, and, even if it wasn't the best moment of their lives, they did their best to make it funnier. Even Revali was laughing, it showed !

« If Princess Zelda wants to help. », Revali said, giving me a mop.

Alright. I won't tell him I never used a mop, so let's just pretend I know what to do with that thingy.

I confidently took the bucket and filled it with hot water and asked them where was their soap. Saki gave me a little can under the sink and I put the fluid inside the bucket.

Alright, now I just have to remember how the cleaning ladies used it the few times I saw them.

Then I started to drown the mop and wrung it. And, I had to admit that I didn't expect it to be that hard to wring. But I succeeded and I scrubbed the floor where Bozai already swept.

The water quickly turned from clear to a sort of grey-brown so I had to change it.

Take the bucket, throw the dirty water, fill it with the clear one and add some soap. Easy. Super easy.

The boys were singing and laughing, and, if for first I stood silent, only watching them, I finally started to sing too while we were doing our tasks.

Teba and Saki were a great duo on 'Summer Nights' from Grease, using some empty bottles as mics and doing a little gooffy disco dance. Even Revali sang a duet with Bozai, and I'd never laughed that loud in my entire life – mostly because that was City of Stars, which was a love song.

« Come on Zelda ! Sing something ! », Saki exclaimed.

« I... »

« Come on ! »

« But... Link isn't here... »

« So what ? I'm here ! », she said with a bright smile and quickly took my hands.

The last song ended, immediately replaced by the one that followed. Perfect Symphony by Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocceli.

« Saki ! I don't know the italian part ! », I exclaimed.

« But I do ! Let's go, it's going to be your verse ! »

I started singing with Ed Sheeran – even if he wasn't there, to my despair – and the boys started cheering me up and whistling with me. I got more comfortable as the song went by, and I caught Revali humming the song with me. And, more than everything, he smiled at me when our eyes met.

He's not a bad guy, after all.

It was so much fun to sing with Saki, and I was impressed by her italian accent and the way she was singing in tune with her beautiful voice.

She reminds me of those colorful birds that sing divinely well.

I caught myself smiling when I imagined her as a big pink bird with her beautiful green eyes, and Teba another tall bird but completely white, except the end of his feathers that were grey. Together in a nest, high in a beautiful tree.

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