Chapter 2: A Duel To Be Talked About

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I made my way through spiraling staircases up and around corridors until I stepped into the defense against the dark arts classroom. I was completely out of breath as the bells signaled the start of class.

I had barely made it on time. Which was fine I suppose since Professor Hecat stayed in her office a bit after the bell on most days.

I scanned the room and my eyes finally landed on Victoria. She was hunched over in her chair staring into some book. I wanted to continue our conversation from the night before so badly. Wanted to know why the sorting hat claimed she leaned more toward gold than green.

I went to sit next to her before feeling a tug at my robes. A familiar redheaded Gryffindor boy stood, wand at the ready. "Rematch Sallow, you can't keep your title of crossed wands champion forever." Leander Prewett said already putting up a shield with a purplish hue.

For me this was almost a daily occurrence. Getting into fights and trouble was a drug and I could easily call myself an addict.

I chuckled and drew my own wand gripping the wood tightly as I cast depulso. He flew back hitting a desk which clearly grabbed the attention of all bystanders involved.

He managed to get to his feet rather quickly. Casting a basic cast which I easily deflected with a quick protego.

"Is that all you've got?" I laughed at the redhead, who stood with a truly pitiful fighting stance.

This was why I could remain on top for so long. Half of the students here were dreadful in comparison to the time and practice I'd put into dueling.

"Bombarda" I cast. The spell wasn't allowed unless for emergencies but this clearly was an emergency. The need to get this guy off my back and show him his place was urgent.

He sloppily deflected the blow upwards towards the ceiling before attempting to regain a fighting stance.

All of a sudden a loud crack flooded my ears and I looked to the front of the room to see two Slytherins laid on the floor hands covering their heads and professor Hecate using Levioso to hold a large skull in the air feet from where my housemates lay shaking in fear. "Mr. Sallow! If you wouldn't mind!" The professor said.

I quickly went to grab the seat next to Victoria only to see it had been taken by my closest friend.

A pang of jealousy hit me as I saw her giggling with him. I couldn't help but wonder what he could possibly be saying to her to get her to react like that. A small amount of anger rising as I realized he'd made her laugh before I'd even gotten the chance.

"Since you seem so keen on showing us your dueling skills how about we put them to the test hmm?" Professor Hecate said bringing my thoughts back into focus. She stood tall, gesturing for me to come to the center of the room.

I obliged standing at the symbols on the floor that I was used to. Professor Hecat used this technique quite often to 'teach me a lesson' a student always ended up on the ground when she tried.

"But who will your opponent be?" She asked herself out loud. I gazed at the ceiling praying softly in my head.

Please don't be her. Please don't be her. Please don't be her.

"Victoria." She said finally. Directing her attention to her as she sat in the back. Her and Ominis perking their heads up.


Victoria shut her book quickly before coming to join me in the center of the room.

Professor Hecat took a step back and flicked her wand. The floor below us rising and putting Victoria and I on a small but long playing field.

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