Chapter 43: Family Traditions

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I made my way to the floo flame above the undercroft. The meeting place that we had all agreed upon.

Victoria was already there when I arrived. Sitting on the floor with her travel bag perched next to her. I'm her hands she held a light blue scarf that matched the current shade of dress she was wearing. Letting the fabric rub against her fingers repeatedly.

She looked down at it. Her smile nonexistent as she stared at the simple item of clothing. Completely lost in her own thoughts.

"Sickle for your thoughts" I said as I placed myself next to her. Her eyes finally lifting as I announced my presence to her.

She let her eyes graze over me completely. Her sadness seeming to deepen as she let her eyes rest on my house scarf.

"Do you think things have gone differently.... Better.... if I'd been sorted properly?" She asked at little more than a whisper. Her voice sounding horse as if she was losing it.

"What do you mean? You're a perfect Hufflepuff. Loyal, patient, kind, and as for hard working, I've never seen someone try so hard at spellcasting. Can't imagine anyone that could become such a professional in less than a full school year." I said nudging her with my arm.

"I'm not really a Hufflepuff. I just begged the hat to put me in the house so I could be more like my sister." She said leaning her head back against the stone wall.

"She was a prime example of the house. She wore the colors with pride everytime she entered the house. My other siblings would constantly tease her for being in the 'weakest house'. They were in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

But I wanted nothing more than to be just like her. You have no idea what it's like to see someone who looks exactly like you and to feel so jealous that they're living the life you want.

She could have a boyfriend, she could leave the house, she could learn and grow as a person by her own means. But I was stuck. Everything being chosen for me.

My food, my clothes, my hair, my lessons, my fiancé, my...." She stopped instantly. A massive blush forming on her face as she realized what she had said.

"You're engaged?!" I asked as I grabbed her arm trying to press her for more information. "What's his name? What's he like? How long have you known him?"

She shook her head and let out a nervous laugh. "Definitely not going down that road with you Sebastian" she said softly before putting her head back down to look at the scarf again.

"What else is on your mind?" I asked wrapping my arms around her shoulder. She leaned into me resting her head on my shoulder.

The action wasn't romantic. It was simply that she needed comfort. Physical touch tended to bring that to her.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I love him so much Sebastian but since you and I have become friends again he's been so frustrating. I think he doesn't trust me anymore" she said softly.

"Would he prefer that we go back to fighting? I know a few things I could say to get under your skin" I said and I felt her frown at the words.

"Is that what I have to do to make him happy with me? Continue fighting with you? What next? Am I not allowed to be friends with Garreth and Benji? Or any other men for that matter?" She asked as I squeezed her softly.

"Maybe it will be better when we're all together again. The three of us and two weeks with nothing to do but enjoy each others company." I said trying to turn the conversation to a brighter note.

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