Chapter 12: The Boggart

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"Why on earth would that be part of our curriculum?" Ominis mumbled as we sat in the corner of the library.

Last night was the date with Victoria and tomorrow we all headed to Feldcroft. So today I was being forced to study for the exams that weren't even until the end of fall.

"I'm sure it isn't that bad, I mean how does it even know your worst fear? What if you just pretend to fear something else?" Victoria asked gazing over at Ominis. She had her on a thin turtleneck to cover her slight bruise from last night, and long skirt all in an elegant shade of black. Her typical yellow robes being her only splash of color.

"I doesn't work that way my dear" I said my eyes never wavering from my book. "And as to how it works, I believe the term 'magic' may further your understanding a bit" I teased.

I could feel her glare at me without even looking up. "Have you ever faced one?" She asked and I nodded finally giving my study partners the attention they sought.

"Of course. There's one in the bottom floor of the defense against the dark arts tower. In the room right by that gargoyle who never shuts his mouth." I said and Ominis scoffed.

"I hate him, he always tells me I look disheveled and I can never tell if he's being honest or not" he said making Victoria laugh.

For some reason when she was around Ominis my jealousy was never as potent as when she was with the Gryffindors.

It was still there. Everyone of her laughs I wanted to be from me. Every one of her smiles that he couldn't even cherish because he didn't even know they were there.

"I'm sure he's not being serious but I'll tell him off next time I see him" she said making him smile.

"Thank you Darling" he said to her and I pretended to throw up at the nickname an action I knew only she would see.

She held her hand up and showed me the back of it before holding up only her middle finger. I couldn't help but laugh at the action and it's theatrics.

"How about we go see it? Thats probably the best way of studying how to beat one right?" I asked watching their reactions.

Ominis placed a hand on her shoulder as her lips formed a hard thin line. "I mean if you think it's a good idea" she mumbled clearly not too keen on it.

"I don't think that's such a great idea" Ominis replied but I just rolled my eyes. "Ominis you aren't even effected my boggarts what are you so scared of?"

"You finding out Victorias a
Fears and using them against her" he said honestly.

I gave a small fake gasp. "Me? Why would I ever do such a thing?" I said the sarcasm coming through thickly.

That wasn't the original intention but it was a lovely benefit. Getting to know someone's worst fear was at times some of the most beneficial information you could get.

Victoria began to fidget slightly so I shut my book and leaned towards her. "How about this? We both have to face it. That way we both figure out the others worst fear and it can't be used against us. Deal?" I asked holding my hand out to the girl. She still seemed unsettled at the idea.

"That's easy your worst fear is a day without debauchery" Ominis said making her giggle a bit through her nerves.

"Okay, let's do it, how bad could it be? Plus I already know it's not real" she said and I smiled shaking her hand to confirm the deal. "That's the spirit"

I felt slightly bad about pushing her into it but after our night out it had made me think a lot more on her and I's relationship as a whole.

I barely knew anything about her.

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