Chapter 10: An Invitation

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As I entered through the common room I instantly was met by three girls standing at the front entrance their arms crossed over their chests that read each of their positions.

"So there she is. The new quidditch captain" Lenora said the venom in her voice evident.

"Heard you've been hanging around with Weasley now. Can't even chose one guy to be a slut for? Why don't you just parade yourself around the whole school at this point?" Adelaide asked Charlotte smirking at her words.

I rolled my eyes before attempting to make my way to my room upstairs, the girls instantly blocked my path.

I glared at Adelaide specifically knowing she was most likely the cause of this ambush. The little I knew about Lenora told me she would have had a one on one with me in a heartbeat rather than this interaction.

"Well Adelaide as much as I do like Weasley I'm afraid I'm after some much tastier eye candy. And besides Sebastian's just has the best lips don't you think?" I said knowing her jealousy over him was the whole reason this altercation was taking place.

Her face grew red. "You little whore!" She said taking a step towards me but I quickly drew my wand holding it against her chin.

"If you'd truly like to pretend this conversation was started because of quidditch I'll gladly take any one of you on the timed courses. But as for my dating habits I'll have each of you know that it's none of your business." I pressed my wand into her skin so she could feel the tip digging into her.

"Your rumors have made their mark, and as I'm sure all three of you know, they're untrue. Now if you'd like to properly represent our house this season I'd suggest you fix this attitude of yours and take that energy onto the field." I said to all three of them before addressing Adelaide personally.

"And as for you. If you don't like the way Sallow acts around me perhaps you should take that up with him and not me. I have no control over his love life" I said putting my wand away and pulling my robes off of my back.

I let the fabric lay over my arm and pushed my way past the girls making sure they could see the number and name plastered on my back as I exited. "Good night ladies, I'll see you at practice." I said as all three stared at me in shock.


I entered my dormitory and fell onto my bed, any bit of energy I had left for the day being taken out on that entire interaction.

A soft object hit my head and I managed to look up the red face of Poppy Sweeting glaring at me. I groaned at the sight and buried my head into the pillow she'd just thrown at my head.

"Can this wait until tomorrow I've had a very long day." I mumbled. But the girl pushed my head up forcefully and shoved a piece of yellow fabric in my hands.

"This is your fault!! You made me go!!" She shouted as I turned the fabric over 'KEEPER' written in bold black lettering causing me to laugh.

"It's not funny!" She shouted throwing herself onto her bed. "The three guys were practically lifting me up in the three broomsticks when it showed up." She said and I looked over at her.

Both of us laid on our beds staring at each other for a bit and I finally asked. "How did everything go with you and Leander?"

She blushed and hid her face in the bedding. "He kissed me goodnight" she squealed and I smiled at her. "He better know that if he hurts you I have no problem using crucio to teach him a lesson"

"You would never learn that spell!" She said and I nodded still giggling. "Of course not but I'd find some way to make him pay for it"


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