Chapter 85: How We Know What Is Real

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Robes of green and gold, blue and red fluttered past me as I marched my way up the familiar stairs.

Several students made attempts to stop me, attempts to strike up conversations with the slytherin quidditch captain who'd disappeared from the halls without a trace a month ago.

But I knew where I was going, knew the only person who could help me right now.

Edwin would keep letting his eldest daughter run the show, letting her poor honey in his ear as she claimed she had the cure for her sister.

I didn't believe that bitch for a second of it.

The green tapestries shifted and changed as I passed, even the depicted couples turning to gawk at the long lost troublemaker.

I made my way into the classroom, not even bothering to announce my presence or wait for permission.

I made my way into the office, the older man peering up at me over a book he'd had in front of him.

Shock twisted his wrinkled features as he saw me, worry quickly replacing it.

"I need your help."


My Dear/Darling

"Victoria, you know me!"

"Victoria, don't you recognize me?"

"We were friends Victoria, don't you remember?"

Why did they keep talking like that? Why did they keep calling me that name?

Marvolo had pulled his little toys into the house far more often, all dawned in robes of red, yellow, green, and blue.

They all acted like they knew me. They all pleaded with me to remember who they were, to remember some relationship we'd had. But I didn't recognize a single one of them.

The names fluttered through my memory again as I dipped my head beneath the scalding water.

Imelda, Garreth, Duncan, Natty....

The girl who'd been brought in yesterday had phased me more that she should have. Her small frame had crumpled as soon as the curse overtook her.

She'd passed out so quickly. Barely able to endure ten seconds by my hand before her body gave out on her.

Poppy. Her name was Poppy.

Laughter fluttered through me that came from her voice yet I knew I'd never heard it before.

"Green suits you"

She never said that, why do i remember her saying that? Why is she so stuck in my head?

What's wrong with me?

The hot water turned freezing, the universe's way of telling me I'd spent too much time in here. I sighed deeply and shut it off, wrapping a towel around my body.

I glanced down at the toilet. My brow furrowing instantly as another image fluttered through my head.

I was sick, throwing up as hands held my hair back. The graze of strong fingers against my neck made me flinch.

I was crying as the man whispered my name, hurt that I'd ever flinch from him.

I didn't know who he was but my heart dropped. Why did I feel so bad about hurting him? Why was I so worried about what he felt?

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