Chapter 11: Enchanted Candles

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This chapter contains a bit of mature content. You've been warned.


She took my hand and I placed a kiss on the back of it gently, before placing another one on her wrist, creating a small trail up to her elbow. Gazing up at her to see her reaction.

She shuddered a bit but I knew her well enough to know the action was caused by butterflies and not discomfort.

I intertwined my right hand with hers and used it to place her hand on my left arm never letting our fingers release.

We crossed the rickety bridge into the forest following the candles as they led us on our path.

"Ah yes, the possibility of certain death, very romantic" she said teasing.

"Last I heard you have a kind of... what was it? 'Ancient Magic'? Don't lie me dear I know this wouldn't be your first fight." I said squinting at her.

It may have been the candlelight but I could have sworn I noticed her cheeks growing red. "I'm not too keen on breaking all these rules Sebastian." She said gripping my arm a bit tighter as a Jobbernoll flew overhead.

"Don't pretend you don't enjoy breaking rules with me Ms. Amante." I said stopping us momentarily to tilt her head up to me.

Her brown eyes shined in the candlelight. I wanted to burn this image of her in my head. She looked absolutely stunning.

"Would you prefer someone who stays on track? Someone who doesn't bring you to forbidden places in the middle of the night?" She smiled.

"That's not you, Sebastian. I knew that from the first time I saw you near the Hufflepuff common room. You even walk like a troublemaker." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked away.

"And I will admit... breaking the rules with you is quite fun..." she said softly.

"Cmon not much further now." I whispered pulling her forward again.

Ahead of us the candles sped up and flew ahead joining its other enchanted flames. A small table sat in the center with two chairs perched beside it. A folded blanket rested on top of the basket that sat next to the ensamble filled with several different foods I'd stolen from the Hogwarts kitchens. Much to the dismay of several house elves.

"Sebastian..." she whispered looking at the setting. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

I could be romantic when I wanted to.

I stood behind one of the chairs pulling it out so that she could sit down. Pushing it back in as she did.

"I don't know what I was expecting... this is dazzling" she said and I smirked sitting in my chair across from her.

"I had hoped you'd like it." I said pointing my wand at the basket. "Wingardium leviosa" I mumbled allowing it to float up and place itself on our table. I placed the blanket to the side immediately.

She opened it in front of me and began placing plates and goblets in front of us not even giving me a chance to stop her. She dug through the items and pulled out the packages of food I'd pre wrapped for us. Along with the large bottle of pumpkin juice.

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