Chapter 93: Through Sightless Eyes

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My magic moved of its own volition. Controlling me, guiding me along as it demanded revenge.

Chaos. Death. Destruction. That was all this magic had ever been. That was all it ever could be.

And I was it's wielder.

Like this I didn't have to feel the grief of my loss, I didn't have to feel the pain of my own thoughts, I didn't have to feel anything but the rage towards the figure in front of me.

He said he loved me.

Truly loved me.

But he didn't know what love was. How could he when his soul was pitch black. You don't hurt the people you love.

You don't take, you give. You don't bruise, you nurture. He couldn't ever understand something like that. He would never be able to comprehend something like kindness or positivity.

But it was like I could see it.

Just like I had been able to see the bundle of emotions that rested within my mother I could see the emotions that ran through him.

My mothers had been filled with light. A light that made me so angry because I knew none of it had been for me. Instead it went to her other three children, her husband, her brother.

Anyone but me.

There had been the slightest darkness in that light. A darkness that seemed to blossom and bloom when I was the one in question.

Now, looking at Marvolo it was the exact opposite. A ball of black with the slightest hint of light that barely edged its corners.

I'd apparently been one of, if not the only, thing keeping this man from true darkness. He would have been exactly what his ancestors designed him to be if it hadn't been for the love he'd allowed himself to feel.

I knelt in front of him, letting our knees brush each other as I met his eyes. Those cold blue eyes that were pleading with me to understand him.

He's always been a monster, it made sense that he'd wanted to pull out the one that lived inside of me as well.

He didn't want to be alone.

"Althea. It's you and me. It's always been just you and me. Let's go home My Love." He said softly, earning a hiss of detestation from the two figures at his sides.

End him.

Their words flowed through me without the need for them to speak.

But I didn't want his suffering to end today. I didn't want it to end tomorrow. Death was too good for him. I wanted him to live and to wake up every day hating himself for it.

The bundle of emotions inside of him whirled and spun. It was like looking at a ball of snakes slithering one over the other, never staying still.

I pressed my wand against his chest, trying to pull forward that love, that little bit of light. It tangled with the others, pulling forward hatred, envy, loathing.

I wanted him to keep those things. I didn't want him left as a shell as my mother was.

I wanted him worse.

I released the hold on those feelings and he let out a sharp exhale.

He panted softly before letting out a small laugh. "I knew it. See? I knew it." His laugh deepened. "You don't want to hurt me Althea. You love me just like I love you. You're mine just admit it."

Through Sightless Eyes and Unforgivable TiesWhere stories live. Discover now