Chapter 4: A Rose Indeed

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My brush moved quickly through my hair as I struggled to untangle the unruly mane. I sprinted down the stairs to enter the common room, taking them two at a time the whole way down.

The restricted section visit had happened three days ago and judging from the lack of disciplinary action, Sebastian had kept his mouth shut about me being with him.

I still recalled the night vividly. His hands all over me, his lips against mine. I wondered night after night what would have happened if I hadn't stopped him. How far would we have gone?

Just the thought had my entire body heating up.

"Hello Miss Amante" a familiar voice said as I exited the common room into the hallway outside. Ominis Gaunt stood with a singular rose in his hand. "How are you feeling?"

His thin frame was shaped by his deep green robes. A three piece suit being worn beneath it. His dirty blonde hair not a bit out of place. The single rose pinched between his index finger and thumb as he held it out to me.

"How was your trip to Feldcroft?" I asked ignoring his previous question. I barely believed he deserved a proper response since he hadn't spoken to me all weekend.

He frowned a bit extending the hand with rose a bit further. "It would have been much better with you there"

Sebastian and Ominis had taken a trip over the weekend to go and visit Anne, Sebastian's sick twin.

I didn't mind them spending time away but even Sebastian had still made a point to say goodbye and even wrote me a letter while he'd been gone.

"Please Darling, allow me to walk you to class this morning" he said moving towards me. "You have no idea how sorry I am for leaving you alone in Hogsmeade. As soon as Sebastian told me what had happened I.... " he trailed off clearly unable to find the proper words.

I had thought about the night several times over. The image of the back of Ominis' head as he walked away from me.

That night had been so nice. I honestly had enjoyed our time together and yet it had been ruined in the blink of an eye.

"You couldn't have known," I said finally taking the rose from his hand. "I just wish you'd left in a better way after everything. Your anger overshadowed the whole night."

I looked down at the flower in my hands. One of the outer petals had a deeper crimson hue from being rubbed roughly by hands that couldn't see the damage they were dealing.

Had he been anxious to speak with me? Bored? What was going through his head?

"I just wanted the night to be about us. And when I realized I couldn't help you I felt as if you'd have rather been with Sebastian the whole time." He said running a hand through his dirty blonde locks. "I can't say I'm surprised at it. Most girls faun over him. I simply remain in the background. Unseen" he said softly. The last word barely above a whisper.

"I liked spending time with you Ominis." I said coming closer to him and pecking his cheek. "Youre a delight to be around and anyone who can't see that is truly blind."

I placed his hand over mine and snapped the stem of the rose in half, letting him feel every movement.

"What are you-" "It's much easier to put on display this way." I said moving it up to tuck behind my ear. I kept his hand with me so he could feel it under my thick curls and the way it stayed.

I dropped my hand after letting him feel but his still hovered there. Not daring to move.

"Victoria, I..." he trailed off biting his bottom lip and letting his hand fall back to his side.

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