Chapter 76: The Honeymoon Phase

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We all know what happens during the honeymoon. So y'all have fun lmao.

My Dear/Darling

I shouldn't be surprised. Ominis and I have always been good at fighting. Why would our marriage have started off any different?

His touch was so torn as he held onto me. Like he wanted to be gentle but he also wanted to lock me in place and never let me leave.

I never wanted to leave him. I can't see a world where I possibly would.

When I first met Ominis I was petrified. He had looked so much like his brother, his little bursts of temper made it unforgettable that they were related.

But it was his laughter that drew me in, his smile that held me tight, and his kindness that made me fall in love with him so deeply I couldn't imagine a happy life without him in it.

He is good. Despite what he may think of himself he is the definition of good.

Even if he has bad thoughts, bad urges, what matters is he works to fight against them. He wants to be a better person than he was designed to be. Isn't that enough?

He let his right hand move to my hair, giving gentle tugs before running his hands through the curls.

I love the feeling of his hands on me. Knowing his right hand bears the same mark mine does. The snake at my back marking me as his forever.

He gave a tug of my hair, firmer than the others to pull my mouth away from his. "Say it again." He said.

Not an order, but my mind still demanded I obey. It didn't matter if he had forced me to say it, the words would have still rung true. They'll always be true.

"I love you, Ominis." I said with a smile. He brought his lips to the side of mine and began to trail ravenous kisses from my lips to my neck.

"Again." He whispered softly against my skin.

"I love you." I said again. Oh Merlin I've missed his touch. It was impossible not to.

He bit my neck gently. I let out a small yelp in response causing him to chuckle against my skin. "Again darling."

"I love you Omi." I said as he led his kisses up towards my ear.

"Good girl." He said, those shivers of delight running through my entire body at the praise.

"Are you going to stop us again?" I teased remembering every time I'd tried for something like this before. His little vow of waiting until marriage had been the most infuriating thing in the world back then.

"Not unless you ask me to." He said as he peppered kisses over my face. "But I suppose we need to consummate this union of ours."

I bit my lip as he took a step back, tugging me along with him to the bed.

He's touched me plenty of times before. I don't know why I'm beginning to feel nervous about it now. Because it's been a while? Because we're married?

The backs of my thighs hit the mattress as he kissed me again. His lips meshing with mine in a loving desperation.

I think somewhere deep down all those other times I knew he'd stop and I'd only ever been disappointed when he proved me right. I'm nervous now only because I know he won't.

He gave a small push to my shoulders. I didn't fight as I fell back onto the bed. In fact I crawled back into it, the queen size mattress allowing plenty of room for me to lay out for him.

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