Chapter 80: Calm Down. You're Okay. I Love You.

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I brushed my fingers through her hair as she began to fidget again in my grip.

'Calm down. You're okay. I love you.'

I sent the thoughts down the bond and she stilled where she laid out in my lap.

"Can't you just order her to sleep better?" Seb asked as he set down the travel journal we'd been filling with ideas over the past week. "She's exhausted."

"I won't order her to do anything. You know that." I said running my thumb over the smooth skin of her neck.

Perhaps we should contact her father, she's getting sick from this lack of rest and I'm not sure what more I can do about it.

Her magic had been tormenting her lately, screaming at her. Could that be what's wrong? Does she need to train more? Release it somehow?

"Did you notice she isn't eating full meals anymore?" He asked, worry drenching the words.

Of course I'd noticed. She will snack two or three times a day if you offer her the right food but at meals she just moved the food around her plate, staring at it as she lost herself in thought.

I sighed deeply and tugged gently on those curls as she shifted again. "I want to give her privacy... She will talk to us about what she's seeing when she's ready but..." I ran my free hand through my hair. "I want to look. To see what's keeping her awake so I can fix it somehow."

It was moral torture to keep from pressing into her head, to keep my thoughts my own as she tossed and turned in our bed at night.

"She would forgive you if you pried." Sebastian insisted. "You know she would."

"I can't. We've fought constantly before and I... I can't take advantage of these abilities because I'm scared I wouldn't stop once I've started." I admitted.

She shifted once more and I pressed those thoughts down the bond again.

"Calm down, your okay, I love you."

She whimpered within her sleepy state and I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Go get Stella. I need to write to her father."

My Dear/Darling

"Calm down. You're okay. I love you."

Ominis soothed me as we sat in our bed. I held my arm, looking at the long line of raw skin from where Sebastian had sliced me with his sword.

'You wanted me to learn! It's your fault for underestimating me.' He'd said before walking away, laughing as the blood flowed from me.

I'd grabbed my wand, healing it as best I could but the would had been nasty, deep.

I came to Ominis, hoping for help and he was currently providing it in the form of soothing words. Holding me while he brushed his hands through my hair.

"Maybe we should try something besides sword training to get that energy out." He suggested.

I wasn't in the mood. I hadn't been in the mood since Sebastian and I's tumble a few days ago.

I felt like a failure for it. For brushing off not one but both of them.

'It's your job to please them. If you don't they'll leave.'

That voice inside me is right. I can't... I can't keep being so selfish. Not with them. Never with them.

Ominis kissed at my neck, tugging gently at my hair to give him better access to it as he nipped and sucked.

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