Chapter 65: A Robbery

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"What the fuck were you thinking? You kissed him less than an hour after Marvolo? No wonder the Hufflepuffs thought you were a slut."

Merlin, these voices are annoying tonight. I felt like I couldn't get a moments rest during my conversation with Sebastian, I should have turned around that mirror when I'd gotten the chance.

"Wait a moment. Didn't you pull the same bullshit the night Ominis confessed to you? Ha! What's with your weakness for this guy?"

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"I don't understand why you can't just tell me what's going on." I said as I walked next to my twin. Looking up at his determined face as he continued through the halls.

He didn't respond as we made our way around the last corner, light spilling through the crack in the doorway of my fathers study.

Sebastian was following us. Every time I would glance back he would pull the invisibility cloak up just enough so I knew he was near. Although part of me didn't think that was a good thing.

Part of me is glad my twin walked in when they did. If we hadn't have been interrupted I would have let Sebastian do whatever he wanted with me.

I had almost pleaded with him to take me. Make me a woman so that Marvolo Gaunt would never get a chance to.

That man has taken every single one of my other firsts and it makes me sick to my stomach to know he's going to get the most important one.

Why did Ominis have to be such a gentleman and make us wait?

As I arrived at the door I watched Veronica put their hands up, quickly letting me know they wouldn't be joining me in this endeavor before turning tail and walking away.

What's the point of pushing me out here just to walk away? Gods they're such a weirdo.

I could hear shuffling from inside, my fathers voice desperately trying to be heard as the sound of my fiancés voice continuously interrupted him.

"I could have just misplaced-" "Misplaced? Mis- fucking- placed? Do you think that's better than being robbed Edwin?!" He yelled.

My hand moved to the handle, quickly wanting to defend my father even if I had zero clue what was going on.

Hands gripped my waist, pulling me away gently as Sebastian uncovered his head. "Don't go in there." He whispered. "Please"

"Marvolo is yelling at Daddy. I'm not going to just stand aside and-" "It means they're distracted. Nows the time to get you out." He pleaded.

How do I tell him it's still not an option? How do I tell him that despite all of the little daydreams and wants that this is where I'm supposed to be?

My father and I had a deep talk after he'd let me out of the cage. He had stood in front of me as he hand wrote invitations, finally admitting to me eons worth of lies that I'd been raised to believe.

Its all unimportant right now. But If I walked out my father would be punished for it. If I walk out my siblings lose everything they have. If I walk out my family as a whole loses everything.

I can't let that happen. Even if it means I have to suffer to ensure that they have a future to look forward to.

My father was my all I had growing up. He went out of his was to spoil me, train me, keep me entertained. I can't abandon him.

"I'm going in weather you like it or not. Now hide or don't. I don't care either way!" I whisper shouted at Seb.

I watched him bite his lip, clearly debating on continuing our fight before conceding and covering up.

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