Chapter 84: Marvolos First Test

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Two Days.

Two fucking days she's been asleep.

Nimue and Edwin have been able to ensure she was getting nutrients, drafts, creams, I didn't ask what they did but I at least knew she was being kept healthy.

I called for her, down our bond and with verbal words. I'd even at one point made an attempt at ordering her to wake up.


I'd dreamed of a day that I'd see her with my own two eyes. A day that I didn't need a pensive or a polyjuice potion or some other tool to see the woman I loved.

Looking at her now, in the state she was in. It was pure undiluted torture.

Her hair fanned out around the pillow to create a wide mane that surrounded her thin pale face. Her lips shown almost white as they parted slightly, slight breaths passing through them to remind me she was alive. The cheeks that I'd seen in our memories usually flushed pink were white as fresh parchment now.

She looked like a ghost.

"Althea." I whispered her name as I let my thumb run over her freezing cheek. "Please darling. Everyone needs you back. I need you back..."

This bond hadn't been in place for long, I'd resented it so much at first. But I'd never expected to become used to it so quickly.

I'd always known she was there, just a thought away. I could feel her emotions as I rose in the morning and as I drifted off to sleep.

This silence was worse than anything else. This isolation from her when she was right in front of me.

"Please Darling." I pleaded as I placed our interlocked hands against my face, kissing her knuckles. "We were going to go see the world together. Just like you wanted.

And when we get home we can start creating that little life you talked about. It's all yours my love. Ive already written my resume for the ministry, if you wake up we can..." tears stung my eyes as I realized what I'd said.


I can't think like that. I can't think like that. I can't think like that.

"When you wake up I want to start planning for the future again. This house doesn't have a nursery... we're going to need one if you still want those eight kids." I felt a laugh bubble in my throat at the memory. The way she'd lit up at the idea of such a large family.

I'll give it to her. I'll give her everything I have and everything I am. It's hers.

"Wake up." I said softly as I again kissed her hand. "Please just wake up, Darling."

My Dear/Darling

"Althea" Marvolos voice brought me back into reality as I stared into the livingroom of our home. "What are you staring at now?" He asked a slight furrow in his brow.

The whispers of laughter and declarations of love faded away again as I looked up at my husband.

He'd grown rather frustrated with my little moments lately. The times where I'd stop and swear I was forgetting something.

"Sorry." I muttered softly as I leaned back into him.

It's been about two weeks since our trip around the world. Or at least I think it has. What day is it?

He wrapped his arms around me. Pressing my body against his as if to say 'you're mine, you belong to me'.

I used to hate it when he'd act like this, used to hate his blatant possessiveness. Yet I'd grown to adore it over our years together.

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