Chapter 74: Herondale Magic Being Put To Use

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"You never told them did you?" He laughed as he pushed me forward making me stumble into the clearing.

"Stop it." I said as I turned, facing him as I backed away. My fingers tightening around my wand.

"You can't trust them with your truth Althea. You'll never be truly happy with them." He said as he stepped forward again.

His hair had been cut off, now sloppy and falling to right above his shoulders. His lip had been cut at some point but my eyes could barely tear away from his blues.

"You're mine. Every bit of you. Every thought, every breath, everything about you is mine."

"You're crazy!" I continued backing away as he met me step for step.

"Nothing wrong with a bit of madness. I'd think you of all people would understand that." He said as he grabbed his wand from his blazer and aimed it at me.

I rose my own, meeting his aim with a firm grip. "You can take him. Use me! You don't even need words just use me!"

"Take me back to Ominis. Right. Now." I demanded. "I want to be with him."

He ignored me as his eyes again glazed over me. I can't imagine what a wreck my dress was, or how wild my hair must be. I probably looked as psychotic as he was acting.

"You know I didn't want you to wear white today." He said with a click of his tongue. "You aren't suited to the lighter shades. Plus white is for purity after all." He chuckled. "Which we both know you aren't."

"Take. Me. Back." I hissed. Why would I care if he thinks I'm pure? Why would I care what color dress he wanted me in? "Now!" I enunciated the word by letting a cast go over his shoulder, the sparks not even causing him to flinch.

"You and I both know you aren't going to hurt me." He said as he tilted his head to the side.

"What makes you think I won't? You know nothing about me Marvolo!"

"I know everything about you, Althea." He hissed. "Your likes, your dislikes. Your favorite foods, colors, books. I know why you don't sing in public and why you shiver when you're excited. I know about every spot that you like to be kissed and every word that makes your hair stand up on end. You and I are meant to be together. Forever."

"Let me help you." She urged. "I can't listen to his insanity any longer."

"I can't lose myself again." I muttered. No longer caring that the man in front of me could hear everything.

"We can work together. Just loosen your grip. I'll be good I swear."

My eyes flung open as I felt his grip back on my neck, his eyes mere inches from mine. "Do it." He challenged.

So I did.

The sensation was so familiar as I finally let go. Felt every ember and drop of the darkness inside me flow.

It was like a dam had finally broken. The raging river behind pouring out with tsunami like force.

That light. That terrible bright light surrounded us. When I'd used it on my mother it had been wide, expansive, a way to keep others from getting to us.

But this was Marvolo. I kept it close, practically touching us so he had no chance of escaping me.

His eyes widened, the only sign he depicted of his fear before putting back on a mask of confidence. "You've always been so good at theatrics haven't you?"

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