Chapter 41: Nathans Response

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"So you two are friends again?" Ominis asked for what must have been the fourth time today as we made our way across the grounds for beasts class.

It hadn't even been twenty four hours but her being called my friend made anything that could have been going wrong feel so much better.

I could see her far ahead of us chatting with Poppy. Her eyes no longer darting away the minute we'd make eye contact.

I knew I shouldn't attempt to be as close to her as I was before but I could easily let Ominis be that buffer now that they were dating.

"Yes, meaning the three of us will be going to visit Anne for Christmas and you have absolutely no reason to say no now" I said glancing over at my shivering friend.

"One she still has to agree. And two did you finally swallow your pride after a two month long fight just to get me to Feldcroft?" He asked and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Not really. We were just both alone together in detention and started talking. Got a lot of the issues out of our systems I'd think." I said watching him bite his lip.

"I really don't want to look too far into that. As my best friend I would hope you wouldn't try to do something untoward with my girlfriend" he said.

I had no chance to respond as Victoria had stopped her trek with Poppy and was waiting for us to all walk together.

"I guess snakes just aren't meant for the cold" Victoria said as she grasped Ominis' hand.

"Of course not darling, we're cold blooded, best to hide and wait for springtime to return" he said as he raised her palm to kiss the back of it.

She let off those unmistakable happy shivers as he pulled her in and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Merlin's beard. Can we please just get to class?" Poppy giggled as she watched them before turning to me. "Hello Sebastian" she said happily.

"Hello Poppy" I said as she placed herself at my side. "It's exciting isn't it? I love beast class in the winter. Some of the creatures will change colors to blend in with the snow, others will  simply find a place to ride it all out, and-" "Yes Poppy I believe Sebastian understands animals and their adaptations" Victoria said with a laugh as we continued our trek.

I smiled down at Poppy as the two girls stuck their tongues out at each other playfully. "My favorite are the furry ones. They're so much fluffier when they have their winter coats" I said and saw Victoria from the corner of my eye shoot me a glare clearly understanding the comment was partially referring to her.

"They absolutely are! The puffskeins and the kneasles are always so much fluffier in winter." Poppy said.

We arrived at the pavilion professor Howin already having her lesson ready on the board as we all took our stations.

When it was finally just me and Ominis again I turned to him. "To answer your question from earlier. You have nothing to worry about my friend. I would never do anything to ruin your relationship with her" I said before glancing back at her.

She was looking over her shoulder at us. Our eyes locked for a moment and she let off a little smile that made my chest feel light.

"Well that's good to hear" Ominis said as the start of class began.


Ominis and Victoria took an instant leave of the class as it ended heading directly for the castle arm in arm.

Poppy was knelt by the puffskeins getting in a few last minute pets as I came to kneel next to her. "I'm surprised you don't have a pet of your own" I said as I joined her in petting Gerald the puffskein.

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