Chapter 23: Ravenclaw Vs. Hufflepuff

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Slight maturity warning.


I breathed deeply as I sat on the long wooden bench in the changing room below the stadium.I had decided to skip my last class of the day unable to concentrate on anything other than the game today.

"Now you're breaking rules without me? Should I be worried or excited that I'm corrupting you so easily?" Sebastian's voice spoke from the entrance of the makeshift room.

I stayed silent as I heard him approach trying not to think about how much I'd revealed to him last night about my past.

"First game jitters captain?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

I gave a small nod feeling a lump in my throat that I feared would keep me from speaking to him.

He shifted in position placing himself in front of me as he knelt down to meet my seated eye level.

"Gosh did you get any sleep last night?" He asked as he let his hand rise to cup my cheek his thumb grazing over the dark skin beneath my eyes.

I shook my head and leaned into his hand taking great comfort in his presence.

It wasn't just the game that had kept me awake. We had stayed up late in the undercroft as he had talked to me about his parents and his life growing up before Solomon.

In response I'd, at the time, happily revealed to him that I barely remembered seeing my three siblings growing up.

He put two and two together very quickly to realize that the people I'd seen from the boggart were those siblings.

He had flooded me with questions afterwards. Trying to force me to open up more to him. But I'd felt myself instantly shut down not willing to say another word for fear of revealing something else.

"Are you just going to keep staring like that?" He asked and I decided to shut my eyes at his question not knowing how else to respond.

He pulled me into his arms giving my forehead a gentle kiss as he did. "Please let me hear your voice." he said.

"I'm sorry" was all I could muster as I held onto him. "Don't be sorry, today is meant to be so exciting for you. It's your first game!" He said squeezing a bit tighter at the last phrase.

I gave a small laugh and nodded knowing in the end he was right. I couldn't afford to keep losing myself in my emotions this way.

"That's what I like to hear" he said before pulling away from our embrace.

He placed himself next to me on the bench. "So let me hear strategy. I want to know how you're gonna beat those eagles to the ground" he said with a warm smile.

"You know I can't tell you that. You're the enemy" I said letting the smile creep onto my face, his energy was completely contagious.

"Sleeping with the enemy does have a nice ring to it" he said letting his index finger and thumb rest at my chin as had become his go to move at this point.

He let his thumb stroke my bottom lip. "Is there anything I can do to make you reveal your strategy to me captain?" He asked and I couldn't help the butterflies that filled my stomach.

"I don't know, what do you have to offer me captain?" I asked letting my hands slide under his jacket to rest at his waist. The vest of his three piece suit feeling slick against my arms.

"I'm sure we can come to an arrangement..." he said leaning in dangerously close to me. "... of some kind"

I could feel his breath on my lips. He wanted me to close the gap. Wanted this to be my choice.

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