Chapter 60: Dreams Are But A Prison

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Maturity warning


The walls of the undercroft felt pleasant and familiar as I shot flames into the high basins, hearing Sebastian's small noises of pride coming from behind me.

"You're a natural" he said, the words bringing an involuntary blush to my cheeks.

I hadn't actually known Confringo before I went to Hogwarts. It had been one of the few spells I didn't have to fake ignorance for when I'd arrived.

"You better watch out Sallow. If you still want that rematch you probably shouldn't be teaching me new ways to beat you." I giggled as I turned to see him leaning against one of the central pillars.

His curls formed a wild mane around his face, small pieces stuck to his forehead with sweat from practicing spell work with me.

He had on black slacks and a long sleeve white shirt, his deep green Slytherin vest and tie keeping him well put together even when he was missing half of his uniform.

"You and I both know now that you have quite the unfair advantage on me." He said causing my face to flush slightly. "To be quite honest I don't believe the first duel was very fair at all." He said as he picked himself up from his lean and began to stride towards me.

"I did tell you not to underestimate me. It's not my fault you're bad at listening." I said watching a smirk form on his face as he stood in front of me, our forms only inches apart.

"That you did my dear." He said, my old nickname sending shivers through me.

His eyes bore into mine, the deep brown shade holding me captive as he reached forward and grabbed hold of my waist, pulling me into him.

"So does that mean you don't want that rematch?" I asked as I tried to keep the conversation focused. His distracting words in the undercroft had always made me so weak before.

"I'll still take it, but I'd like to know something first." He said, before his hands on my hips began to guide me backwards.

"Anything." I muttered as I felt my back hit the pillar behind me.

Not something particularly foreign as he'd pulled this move many times as he'd tried to make me melt earlier in the year.

And it had almost worked of course.

Every. Single. Time.

His hands shifted to my sides, trapping me in our little embrace as his eyes never left mine.

"Why did you give up so quickly?" He asked, the question shaking a little bit of reality back into my head.

"What?" I asked as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my cheek, his warm breath moving to trail whispers into my ears.

"You gave me no time to save you My Dear. While your mind has been so focused on Ominis, I've been right here." He said before I felt his lips shift down to place gentle kisses down my neck.

How am I meant to answer that? Of course Ominis was the one on my mind. He was my boyfriend, the reason I'd kept on my path of light magic for so long.

I shouldn't be imagining things like this about Seb. It's wrong. I'm engaged, and his best friend his my ex.

"I think I'm ready to answer your question." He said, my mind focusing back on the man in front of me as he brought his head back up, leaning in close to me again.

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