Chapter 94: And Unforgivable Ties

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10 Years Later


The crackle of the fireplace was the only sound in the living room as I lounged and stared at the ceiling.

I held up my arm, letting my eyes trace over the long scar that I'd gotten the day I had promised myself to Althea.

My Althea.

I clutched my hand into a tight fist before I let it fall against my forehead, breathing deeply.

"Couldn't sleep?" Sebastian asked as leaned against the door jam. A smile playing on his lips.

"Not a wink." I replied as I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. "My mind is a tornado right now." I admitted.

"I understand that feeling all too well." He admitted. "But you didn't sleep much last night, you need the nap."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know that! I just..." I trailed off as the approaching footsteps sounded, the two sets of light shoes hitting the wooden boards before they appeared.

The little nine year old girl smiled as her eyes met mine. Those blue eyes that were a perfect match to my own. Her blonde curls fell to her shoulders, the green ribbon she wore behind her ears keeping the locks from getting in her face.

"Hello Noctua. Did you have fun?" Sebastian asked as he smiled down at the little girl, before his eyes shifted up to the woman who was holding her hand.

Anne Sallow smiled back at her brother as she nudged my daughter towards me. Not a single sign of illness was shown on her features. She was even more lively than she'd been back in our early days of Hogwarts.

"Did you have fun?" I asked, repeating Sebastian's question to the little girl as she perched on my lap and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

"Yes." She said, her voice the prettiest melody you ever would hear. It was why she'd decided to learn to sing of course, so she could let her voice be shown to crowds of people. Never hidden, never smothered.

"Good." I said and gave her a kiss on top of her head. I turned my attention to the twins who stood ahead of me. "How's Mom?" I asked Anne.

Anne smirked. "Just fine. Just like every time you ask." She said and I smiled before moving to stand up.

"It's always good to hear anyway."  I said before I heard my little girls whines of protest and sat back down.

My little girl clung tightly to me. "Will you play a game with me Daddy? Or maybe tell me a story? Please, please, please?"

I opened my mouth to reply before a clatter could be heard from the kitchen, causing all of our eyes to shift towards the sound.

A golden retriever was running like crazy, two bows tied to their tail as two little sets of feet ran behind them, a set of adult feet running behind them.

The children loved Val. Their shape shifting was a source of endless entertainment and their animagus form kept them from repeatedly asking for a dog.

"Kids!" Sebastian called, causing the two brunette children to stop in their tracks.

Twins, by Merlin, the twins were a handful. Looking up with brown curls and freckled faces. They were completely identical despite being a boy and a girl. If they ever covered their hair it was nearly impossible to tell the two apart.

Benji stopped behind them, panting slightly as he moved to take the ribbons off his partners tail. They'd been completely inseparable since they'd gotten married. It was nice having him around.

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