Chapter 87: Ominis Gives A Second Order

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Trigger warning:
Coerced Consent, manipulation, self harm.

Please read with Caution.



Everything felt wrong.

This is my house but it's not.

The books on the shelves were in the wrong order, the clothes peaking through the doors of the wardrobe weren't what I was used to, the people in this place shouldn't be here.


Not real. Not real. Not real.

Looking to Ominis proved this wasn't real.

Ominis doesn't look like that. Ominis is blind.

I need him to stop looking at me like that. I need him to stop looking at me at all.

I want to wake up. I want to know what's real and what's fake.

Let me wake up. Let me wake up. Let me wake up.

Where's Marvolo? I want my husband.

"Althea" Sebastian Sallow moved to kneel on the other side of the bed.

I wanted the voices in my head back. Wanted my magic if only for something stable and real to ground me into this moment.

I found my eyes roving over Sebastian. Running across his face that was visibly pale with worry to the point that his freckles stood out like splattered ink across his features.

Those brown eyes felt somehow unfamiliar yet comforting all at once. I think it was the softness there, the concern for me that he left on a silver platter.

Waves of memories came flooding back of laughter. Memories that felt wrong and foreign of him and I practicing swordplay in front of this very house. Memories of him holding me in front of a roaring fireplace or just watching me as I drew.

But then memories came of entangled limbs and bedsheets, of moans and kisses and...

I was going to be sick.

Violently horrendously sick.

When had I even last eaten? Marvolo and I had lunch together just hours ago didn't we? Was that even real? Would I even really throw up in this dream?

I clapped my hand over my mouth as if I could shove the sickness back down. Ominis seemed to understand what was happening and quickly snatched a waste bin from nearby before holding it out to me.

I took it from his grasp letting our hands graze on the sides of the container. Our eyes locked and I took in the desperation and vulnerability housed in his gaze.

He'd had that expression on his face so many times before. After every fight as he pleaded for my forgiveness, as he told me he loved me and that I was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

My eyes couldn't tear away from his. It was like I was trapped and being forced to endure the memories and feelings.

It was like watching through someone else's eyes as he smiled at them. Raising someone else's hands to touch his cheeks as they tugged him down to let their lips touch.

Not real. That can't be real. None of this can be real.

Those things never happened. It's completely impossible. They didn't come for me, no one would be stupid enough to risk tricking dark wizards like my father and uncle.

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