Chapter 75: Shouting Vs. Silence

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"Fix your stance, your back leg is too close, you're going to fall." She laughed as she stepped back, giving a little flip of her sword.

I wiped sweat from my brow. Who knew muggle fighting techniques were so exhausting? I've never been more thankful for magic than I am now.

"I haven't been practicing for years like you have." I said as I stood up straight and glanced down at my feet and their positioning.

She giggled, "Years of practice starts with a single day." She smiled as she stepped forward. "But I think our day needs to end here, before you pass out."

"I guess I'll let you take a break." I said, letting out a small huff of air. She knew I was already exhausted, meanwhile she didn't look phased as she shifted her skirts and placed the long sword back on its rack.

It's been four days since the wedding. I hate to admit but these four days have been absolute heaven.

She and I spend the days searching the house for her fathers hidden gifts. Up until she grows stir crazy and insists we take a walk, or in this case learn a new skill like sword fighting.

Ominis doesn't join us. The moment we stepped through the doors to our new manor he simply said that we should 'have our fun' and locked himself in one of the many rooms he'd made his own.

I find her from time to time gazing at his door, staring at her ring, or running her fingers over the thin scar that wrapped around her right wrist. Shes worried about him. Devastatingly worried about him.

I'd tried to coax him out of there. He'd let me in a few times as I'd offered him food or drink. But he wouldn't entertain the idea of seeing his wife yet.

'Not until I can... control it...' he'd said. I knew this connection was wearing down on him somehow. But I won't force him to do anything. If he wants his privacy I'm willing to grant it to him. As long as he's not hurting anyone.

"Why'd you start with swords when you have magic anyway? It still doesn't make much sense to me." I admitted as I racked my own blade and held out my arm.

She took hold as we began our walk inside. "I think I always wanted to be like the hero's in my books. Lots of them were muggles so it was how they'd fight. Plus with no wand I needed some kind of defense.

I was able to convince Daddy it would be a good workout. Helped me... simmer down, I guess. So he gathered all sorts of books on the topic and we got to work." She smiled at the memory.

As we came in view of the door she let out a squeal before sprinting towards the entryway.

A medium box sat at the door, wrapped in white paper and twine, the lavender wax seal of her old family crest telling us it was another gift from her father.

"He spoils you. You know that right?" I asked as I followed behind her.

She stuck her tongue out at me in response as she picked up the box and opened the entryway door.

The inside was still not something I was used to. Not something I ever expected to call my home.

As soon as you entered the space you were greeted with a large staircase to guide you towards the upstairs rooms. Nine in total, eight of which were bedrooms, one being our own personal library. (Pre-stocked with fairytales obviously)

Downstairs on the left was our kitchen and dining room that was suited for entire banquets rather than a trio of young adults.

Behind the staircase was our living area, a vast open area with a huge gramophone that I'd taken to dancing with her to night after night before bed.

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