Chapter 62: Sebastian At The Ball

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The dance moved swiftly. All four couples mirroring each other in the highly rehearsed dance full of dips spins and complicated feet movements that I couldn't begin to try and copy.

How could I begin to get close to her when Marvolo seemed to be deadset on keeping her well within his grasp.

Perhaps if she knew I was here she'd demand a moment alone with me. A moment to talk and figure out a way out.

But as she smiled at him. Laughed with him. Rested her head on his shoulder. I started to feel my faith leave me.

Val said the only reason those letters could have been sent is if she had willingly agreed to come back into the family. Could she... want all of this back?

No, there's no way. We talked about this. She hates being locked away. Hates having her wand taken from her. She ran away from this life for a reason.

Without any kind of cue, couples began to move forward taking the dance floor along with the Herondales. Moving quickly in time with the complicated dance I didn't know.

The song will be over soon. I'll be able to speak with her then. I can...

"Mr. Sallow." Said the voice I'd heard many times. The voice of the man who treated raising children as if it were a militant boot camp. The man who thought locking up children better than getting them actual help.

I turned to see the brown eyes of Edwin Herondale smiling down at me. A fake smile that I knew was completely for show.

"Have I got that right? You are Sebastian Sallow? The freckles, the curls, my daughter speaks of you endlessly of course I feel like I already know you." He chuckled.

She... she does?

"Mr. Herondale." I said watching his eyes tell me silently I wasn't giving nearly the proper courtesies to a man of his status. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir. Your daughter has spoken highly of you." I lied.

Well, half lied. She never spoke about him directly but from her memories it was clear she thought highly of her father.

"Seems you've made connections with more than just my Althea. Nathan spoke of your interest in his collection. And of course you seemed to move Val so much they almost couldn't fulfill their direct orders." He said, clearly annoyed with every word he was saying.

Okay this man hates me and we have never even met before now. How in Merlin's name am I supposed to move forward with this?

If what he said was true and Victoria had spoken about me. There was only one thing I could imagine was going to work.

Be the version of yourself she always liked.

"I suppose I'll have to make friends with Nimue next. Complete the set for myself." I said, putting on a half smirk.

His eyes narrowed but the smile never faded. "Brave and Funny. Just as Althea said." He chuckled. "Come with me Mr. Sallow. I have something I'd like to discuss with you." He said shooting a bit of side eye to his daughter to make sure she wasn't watching. "In private."

Lucky for him her eyes were currently sealed shut as she leaned into her fiancé, one of his hands tangled in the strands of her straightened hair.

I didn't respond but instead moved swiftly out of the room. As he realized I was making my way out he took the lead quickly. Guiding us silently through the hallway.

My eyes again trailed over the dozens of photos. More on this end of Edwin and his wife. All visibly older pictures of them practically as teenagers.

"Tell me Sebastian. What would you say is your area of affinity?" He asked as he gave me a sideways glance.

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