Chapter 82: Some Much Needed Rest

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My Dear/Darling

Sebastian walked away as he heard Ominis shouting. I'd gotten up to help but he told me to stay.

"I'll be right back my dear. Don't worry." He'd said before shutting me alone in this room.

I was so tired. My entire body felt like lead. Lead that weighed me down and dragged behind me as I moved.

You should try to sleep again.

I looked up. No reflection needed to summon her now that I was so weak.

That image of myself leaned back in the armchair before the fireplace. She was beautiful in her grace and ease.

Close your eyes. You'll feel better.

"Why would I listen to you? You've done nothing but torment me for years." I said, the words not having nearly as much bite as I wanted them to.

You should try being chained to someone as insufferable as you. I promise you wouldn't act much differently than I have.

She glanced back at me, those tired eyes narrowing on my frame as I sunk into the floor.

You've always been so insufferable.

She stood up and moved towards me, kneeling down to brush a hair behind my ear.

But it isn't your fault. You never asked for this. You weren't born to be a fighter.

You have the heart of a dreamer and the hands of an artist. This life wasn't meant for you.

This isn't real. She isn't real. She's never appeared like this besides when I'm dreaming. This isn't real.

Sleep Althea. You can't keep fighting it.

I breathed deeply as I let my eyes shut halfway. "But what about-" No nightmares this time. I can promise you that.

I don't know why. But I trusted her. So I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


The dress that wrapped around me was all too familiar. The white fabric that formed large ruffles greeted my fingers with a gentle embrace.

I looked up to the man in front of me, dawned just as he'd been that day, handsome and smiling down at me.

My wedding day.

But this time my body didn't feel the panic I had before, didn't feel the fear of being tied to someone who would take advantage of me.

Promises of a trip around the world flooded my thoughts. Dreams of freedom and security that he'd sworn he would give to me.

Marvolo Gaunt would provide. Marvolo Gaunt would protect me. Marvolo Gaunt cared for me, despite his odd ways of showing it.

I didn't know why the thoughts soothed me. I didn't know why I felt such joy as I felt him use the grip of our joined right hands to pull me closer.

I could feel the sting of the scar at my wrist, the cool metal of the ring on my left hand. As he rose his hand to cup my cheek I could feel the metal of his, the gold twin that matched the silver of my own.

Shouldn't there be flashes of light? Shouldn't there be the two figures in slytherin robes coming to save me?

No, who would want to interrupt a day like today? Who would I even want to? No one cared about me enough to stop this.

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