Chapter 88: One By One, They Return

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"You're not real."

I could swear my heart stopped beating at the words.

'You're not real.'

Again and again the words reverberated in my skull.

Not real. Marvolos fantasy was easier to believe than the life we'd been barely starting to build together. How... how could she say that? How could she believe that?

"I am Darling I promise. It's me. I'm real. I'm yours and I'm real." I told her, hearing my own voice crack as it passed my lips.

She didn't even react.

I wanted to scream the words at her, anything to punch through that veil that currently clouded her thoughts.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to bring her back from this.

I moved us back to the bed, pulling her down to sit as I turned her hands over to examine the cuts she'd made.

Deep red gashes lined her knuckles, bleeding so much that the red was trailing down her fingers and dripping onto the floor.

I drew my wand from my robes and attempted to cast a quick charm on the wounds. I didn't want to heal them if there were shards of glass lingering in her skin.

At the first wave, my wand wouldn't respond to me. I let out a small huff of frustration and tried again.


I grit my teeth in frustration and shut my eyes, willing the familiar motion to come to me.

My wand thrummed in my hand as it responded, telling me there was two small shards resting between her index and middle knuckles.

"You have to shut your eyes to do magic?" She whispered the question, barely letting the sound reach my ears.

I opened my eyes again to find her staring at me with a blank yet curious expression. I barely needed to skim her thoughts to realize what she was thinking.

She wanted to find cracks in what she believed was an illusion. She was looking for some inconsistency to push at so she could try and wake herself up.

I wanted to shake her. I wanted to shout at her to think clearly. I wanted to order her to-


No I don't want to order her to do anything.

I didn't want to do that to her. I hated the agony that ripped through her as she realized her will was no longer her own.

"I've only had sight for a few days. It's different trying to cast with it. If I shut my eyes it's a bit easier to remember the wand movement and focus." I explained. She nodded gently and let her eyes wander towards the bloody glass shards she'd left behind. I followed her gaze as I let my thoughts dip into hers again.

Her memories were still coming back. One after another after another. I could see the way she'd stiffen and freeze as they played in her head in no real order.

She'd told me Marvolo wasn't hurting her. She'd practically promised it when I'd let her walk back to him, back into that fucking prison they called had her home.

He'd used her. Time and time again. He'd manipulated her into touching him, bowing for him, twisting her into his own sick perverted fantasy of a perfect wife. She'd believed it was the best she would ever receive. She believed it was what she deserved.

Seeing those memories was my own personal hell. Seeing what he'd done to her, what he'd still do to her if given chance, it drew out a rage I didn't know I'd held inside me.

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