Chapter 47: The Trade

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The next morning I made my towards the catacombs entrance just as Nathan and I had agreed. A place just far enough from the Hamlet that I believed my friends would be safe.

I held onto the spellbook like my life depended on it. The leather cover creasing into my hands as I spotted the meeting place.

I looked around at the stone entrance remembering the way Victoria had looked when she'd used Crucio for the first time in front of me.

The way she'd looked so incredibly powerful as the woman had screamed. The fear she'd displayed hidden behind her confidence as she'd run away from me that day.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted as three pillars of lavender smoke hit the ground directly in front of the catacomb clearing after a few seconds.

I'd been under the impression that this meeting was meant to be just me and Nathan. I hadn't expected his entire family to show up for the exchange.

As the smoke cleared they became visible. The tall black haired Nathan stood in the center his eyes the shade of brown that put my mind a bit more at ease.

He wore a three piece suit, the entire ensemble pitch black save for his vest which popped with the family shade of lavender.

The raven haired girl, Veronica, stood next to him, her face reminding me still so much of the girl that had run away yesterday. The girl I needed to protect just as I'd promised.

She wore a layered skirt that fell right to her knees, with a corset top that was mostly covered by a winters shawl. Like Nathan her outfit was completely black save for her own pop of lavender that was fixed as a scarf wrapped around her neck.

The third was the purple haired man who I'd never learned the name of. He seemed different than he had when he'd appeared as Victorias boggart.

There he'd been dripping with confidence and power almost seeming to be the ring leader of the trip. Here he seemed to just be the baby brother who was being dragged along with his siblings whims.

He looked around as if he had no interest in being there. A black pelt adorned his shoulder over a thick winter ensemble. He unlike the others had no sign of their family color on him. Perhaps being covered by his many layers of clothes.

"Good Evening, Mr. Sallow I presume?" Nathan said as he gave off a formal bow. "I'm Nathanial Herondale but please do feel free to call me Nathan." He said.

I returned the bow letting my head dip to below even the girls eyeline.

"I'm sorry, I had believed this exchange would be just the two of us." I said glancing at the two others as the purple haired man finally let his gaze fixate on me.

"Oh my apologies. Allow me to introduce to you my siblings." He gestured to the man next to him with a friendly smile. "This is my brother Val. Just got back from Durmstrang and has been a bit cooped up at home." He said.

Val gave a bow. Never letting his eyes leave me as he did. Nathan then gestured over to his sister. "And this is-" "Veronica, I've heard many stories" I said and I saw the girls face of shock for a moment.

Nathan bit his lip. "I'd love to know where you did. Because you're completely wrong my friend." He said with a hard belly laugh.

"That's not funny Nathan! Why are people calling me that!" The girl said as she turned to her brothers.

The purple haired man began to laugh as well. "I'd take it as a compliment dear sister." He said and the girl glared at her brothers.

"My name..." she said finally turning to me. "Is Nimue. Named after the lady of the lake, one of the most powerful witches of all time, the witch who-" She said but quickly stopped her rant as Nathan held up a hand.

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