Chapter 49: The Gaunt Vial

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I shouldn't do this. This isn't right.

I felt my feet begin to pace back and forth along the large space of our room of requirement. The echoing steps reverberating off of the tall walls.

I've been going absolutely mad being apart from her. Finding myself sitting in the halls just hoping to hear the sound of her footsteps. Finding that all of a sudden I'm starving in the middle of the night and making my way to the kitchens just to be near her common room.

I'd found myself in this room at least once a day now. Remembering the feeling of her laying next to me as we slept. Remembering the way she would kiss me after a long day.

Today as I had placed myself on the bed I felt a memory vial roll to greet my hand. A vial not given to me by Victoria, but instead by the room itself.

As I'd picked up the vial I'd thought maybe it was just another one of the memories of us in here, one of the ones she'd made me to grant me the temporary bliss of sight.

But this one felt different, the size of it, the engravings, and the large lettering the was planted on the back, my fingers able to trace out the letters one by one.


I had been pacing the flooring here repeatedly. What was the right course of action in a moment like this? Was it okay to look at this if she hadn't handed it to me? But the room itself is saying I need to see it.

It had been over a week since we'd gotten back from Feldcroft. Classes started back up yesterday and every single time I thought perhaps I'd find her sitting next to me. Perhaps she'd at least pretend to be cordial I was proven wrong.

She'd switched partners in potions again, Benji taking my place at her side, switched tables in Herbology in order to avoid Sebastian. And in every other class she seemed to always find herself in last and out first, leaving no time for greetings.

I'd have thought over time my thoughts would move on to other things, my dreams maybe giving themselves some other context. Yet she was always there, tormenting me with her absence.

"Forgive me if this is a mistake my love" I whispered to myself.

I uncorked the vial and made my way over to the pensive. Gripping it tightly in my hand.

I need to know what's in this before I end up in Saint Mungos' Psych ward.

I allowed the inside to empty. The familiar eerie thrum sounding in my ears as the memories hit the basin.

I allowed my head to dip inside. The cool surface greeting me as the beautiful colors began to envelop me.

I hope one day I could get used to a sensation like sight. Although I hope if I ever did I wouldn't learn to take it for granted.

The deep sapphire shade shone brightly before it finally showed me the little Victoria. Her eyes gleaming green as she peered through their large bedroom window with her twin sister at her side.

Veronica wore the starting of a ball gown. Her attire only missing the final skirts in order to be complete.

Victoria was next to her. Wearing a small sundress completely different than her sisters own attire.

They were young. Probably around twelve as they peered through the glass. "That's them?" Victoria asked.

"Yes." Veronica said before beginning to point through to the outside courtyard.

I turned to see that there was a family. My family. All dressed up for the evenings ball. We were always one of the first to arrive as the Herondales seemed to have business with my parents.

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