Chapter 16: Glass Passageways

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As the three of us descended into the dark passage I could hear the echo of our footsteps on the hard stone steps.

"Dark, ominous passages, my favorite" I smirked looking back at my best friend as he followed us.

"No Comment" he replied his face completely serious as he made his way down with us. "Oh come on that was a good one"

"Lumos" I heard her cast as the tip of her wand illuminated. She picked up a piece of paper and began scanning it. Reading it repeatedly.

"All okay?" I asked casting the same spell. The small light emitting from the end of my wand and illuminating the space. It was a small room covered with piles of junk from half broken chairs to fully broken desks.

"Ah" Ominis yelped in pain from across the room. He rubbed at his leg before yelping again.

I walked towards him to see the black vines of devils snare attempting to grab at my friend.

I held my wand down to the plant, it quickly backed away from the light. "Ominis this is devils snare" he frowned at the comment.

"It's an old place I thought they were just... nevermind. Lumos" the white light enveloped his wand the red blinking disappearing into it.

Victoria began to grab other notes that she found spread throughout the room gazing at each of them as she attempted to put them in order.

"Anything you'd like to share with the class?" I asked glancing down at her hands filled with paper.

"Not here" She said as she began to fold the papers and tuck them into her satchel. "Probably best to get back to Anne and your uncle before they notice were missing" she spoke.

Ominis laughed at the comment causing a bit of anger to fill my chest. "Solomon wants us gone by the end of day." I said looking at everything but at her.

"What why? Just because you both had an argument?" She sighed and began to gaze around the small space again.

"Feels like a bit of a wasted trip since we were only here for a few hours." She mumbled.

I felt a bit of guilt at her words. I could have kept my mouth shut and made the trip peaceful for her and Ominis. Instead I'd pushed and gotten the trip cut short.

"I'm sure we can find more to do once we-" "Is that the undercroft?" She asked cutting off my words as she strode to the far corner of the small room.

A large piece of what appeared to be glass covered the corner. It reflected like a mirror showing Victorias face as she approached.

"Um what are you talking about?" I asked coming next to her. Her eyes seemed to see through the glass, gazing at something outside of my view.

"I think this is a passage to the undercroft. But why would it be here?" She mumbled grazing her hand over the glass.

It shimmered as her fingers grew closer to it. The magic that radiated off of it clearly meant for her touch.

"It's like the magic the keepers use" She said softly.

"Which keepers? I don't think Poppy's ever been here, and I don't think Benji would...." She gave me a look that told me to stop talking. Clearly not understanding what I was talking about.

"Ominis come here" She said her typical kind words at this point almost sounding like a command.

"Hang onto Sebastian, sebastian hold onto me. Also sebastian probably best to close your eyes for a second" she said.

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