Chapter 38: The Start Of Winter

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Two Months Later

After the accident on the quidditch pitch Victoria was in fact taken off of the team. Lenora was moved up to captain but the Hufflepuffs as a whole were none too happy about the change.

During the next games Slytherin won over Ravenclaw placing them in first for the season. Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff placing Gryffindor in second place and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tied in last place.

Winter came in at full force. The snow falling and sticking in blankets around the grounds.

Sebastian Sallow was back to square one. Constantly sneaking into the restricted section in order to find answers for Anne. Constantly in detention due to random acts he'd commit.

However the one thing that seemed to change was his reaction to the punishments. He would now become completely infuriated at the professors for doing anything to try and keep him in line.

Before whenever things would go sour he could constantly rely on his best friend Ominis. But now that Ominis was constantly arm in arm with a girl his time was completely preoccupied.

Sebastian was grasping at billywigs at this point. Every new lead was a dead end. Every book something he'd already tried.

He needed that relic. That was the only thing that held any real potential.

Victoria had begun to try dwindling her medicine again. Unfortunately the only thing she managed was to rely on it more heavily.

She would have days where she would go without but as the whispers returned telling her to do unspeakable things she would always turn right back to the bottle.

The magic felt like it was compounding inside of her after so long of being held dormant. She was beginning to feel terrified of her own reflection.

Ominis was always there trying to remain supportive but he couldn't do too much since he still barely understood her powers.

She was so scared of him running away from her. She kept true to her promise and attempted to come clean with Ominis about certain parts of her past. Essentially showing him the same memories she'd already handed Sebastian.

When he'd viewed the memories with her he'd instantly praised her for the progress she'd made. Claimed she was so much better now without that darkness in her life.

Eventually the pair had thrown together ideas and decided it may be best to try and find a way to seal her magic with something more permanent than a potion.

Ominis had presented the idea and instantly said how amazing it would be to seal the magic inside some trinket and destroy the object completely getting rid of the dark magic.

Victoria at this point had verbally agreed with him but internally she hated the idea.

She believed the problem was not that the magic itself existed within her it was simply that there was too much of it. The idea of storing it in an item brought her great hope but at the mention of destroying it Victoria decided to silently venture down that path alone.

Ominis was simply trying to hold everything together. His girlfriend would show him the same memories on repeat of their happy times together but he knew she'd shut down from sharing her past with him.

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