Chapter 90: Finding Our Way Through The Maze

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Trigger warning. Elusion to Sexual Assault.

Also, and I mean this...

I'm so sorry.


I turned again, making the third right before I called out her name again.

This can't be right. I should have found her by now.

"Althea!" I called again, still not hearing even a whisper in response.

Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?

"Well I'd love to call this a surprise Sallow, but that would be a lie." The familiar masculine voice drawled from behind me.

I turned to face Nathaniel Herondale, smirking like a cat as he swirled his wand between his middle and index finger. "My sister did mention you had a habit of always being where you shouldn't."

"Where is she?" The words came off at a near growl, the sound making him laugh.

"Is this what you do Sallow? Pick some pathetic girl to dote on and care for? Poor all of your time into the pointless task of trying to make them better? Open your fucking eyes. Anne didn't want you to save her. She was content to shrivel up and die next to your uncle. You went and took even that sad excuse of a life away from her too."

"Shut up"

"So Althea is your replacement then? The new charity case for you to pour all of your time into?" Another cruel hard laugh. "She isn't even yours. Can't you see that someone else will always come first for her? Why waste your time?"

"You'd understand if you had a heart, but judging by your lack of brain you were born with enough defects to make yourself a living anomaly."

His smirk only widened into a grin. "You know, when you wrote me that letter I laughed for hours at your desperation. I knew who your sister was the moment I read your last name. I can't help but just think about all the years you've been running in circles, trying and failing to fix Anne while she just got worse and worse."

My grip on my wand tightened until i could feel my fingernails cutting into my palm. Nathan stepped forward, reveling in his own cruelty.

"She was always my favorite experiment. I can't wait for you to see how much worse she'll get before the end."

"I said shut the hell up! Bombarda!" The cast left my wand and shot at him only to be met with a glistening shield of purple.

Nathans eyes glowed an eerie shade of green as he held up his wand. "Come and show me what Hogwart's greatest duelist can do."


"Hello?" I called out into the void of sound that seemed to surround me.

Where is everyone? Where is anyone? Sebastian and Ominis wouldn't just leave me alone would they? Marvolo would come get me wouldn't he?

The silence felt deafening. The lack of a wand at my hip felt like a lead weight.


I am not a damsel in distress.

Think Althea. Think think.

I'm an animagus. That's it! That's it!

I shifted into the familiar form of my German shepherd. If I had no wand I at least had teeth. If I had no noise to guide me out I'd use my other senses.

I sniffed at the air, taking in the familiar scents of home. This was definitely the maze by Herondale hall.

I tried to find the scent of Sebastian or Ominis and got nothing. Not surprising though, they've never been through here.

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