Chapter 5: The First Owl

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"Isn't he dashing?" The girl draped in yellow asked in front of me. I couldn't help but giggle at the interaction.

Poppy Sweeting and I were at the beast pens. She had been brushing the fur of the kneasles and given one a Mohawk by brushing the hair upwards.

"I'm sure Professor Howin will agree" I giggled helping the girl up from the dirt patch below her. She quickly began dusting herself off and smiled at me.

"I'm so glad to have found a friend who loves beasts as much as I do" she said and I laid my hands on her shoulders looking her directly in the eyes.

"Poppy," I said in the most serious voice I could, never breaking eye contact. "No one could ever love beasts as much as you do. It's physically impossible" I said attempting and failing to hide my giggles as she stuck her tongue out at me.

Poppy was the only person in my house who I was genuinely able to get along with. But honestly I didn't try much with them.

I had found out the girl who was kissing with Sebastian at the three broomsticks had been starting rumors about me. Apparently he had lost interest in her and she fully believed I was to blame, and the other Hufflepuffs, having known her longer, believed her without question.

Poppy never did though. As soon as words passed her ears about the 'seventh year slut' she made time with me much more often to ensure I would never be without a friend.

I had made other friends of course, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, and even a Slytherin girl named Imelda. Although her and I's definition of friendship definitely wasn't what I was used to.

Not that I was very used to friendship at all.

Between talking to them, studying, and the quests I was doing in my spare time for the keepers I was easily able to avoid the two Slytherins that were crowding my thoughts at the beginning of this year. Avoiding eye contact in the hallways and giving the silent treatment throughout class made both men seam to give up eventually.

"Hello? Earth to Victoria!" Poppy said. "Are you listening to me?" She asked while waving a hand in front of my face.

Shaking the thoughts away I took a step back. "I'm sorry Poppy. What were you saying?" I asked.

"I asked if you wanted to go for a fly." She said.

"Oh Poppy I'm so sorry to disappoint, I haven't gotten to buy a broom yet" I said and the girl let off a devious grin.

"Who said anything about a broom?"



"I just think it's high time we cut it" I said as I laid on my back on the stone bench tossing the small remembrall into the air on repeat.

"And as I've already told you we will not touch it. I like it the way it is." Ominis said back. Holding his book in his hands and touching each piece of paper with his finger. The small indents in the pages telling a story I couldn't have understood if I tried.

His leg was not the most comfortable of pillows but at this time it was a fine place to lay my head. The evening sun was warm and splendid, perfect weather for a picnic, hike, or doing just as we were, absolutely nothing.

I tossed the ball in the air again the light catching on the bright red hue that it gave off. "It barely takes any time at all though."

"I don't care how long it takes you're not touching my hair. It took me forever to figure out how to style it this way and I happen to think I look good" he said with a confident smirk.

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