Chapter 35: The Way He Sees Her

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As I made my way through the hallway near the charms classroom I heard her pass me. The fast pace and tempo of her footsteps being all I needed to hear to know she was in full distress.

She was just holding it in until she got a place to hide. I couldn't let her do that. I couldn't let her hide from me anymore.

I followed after her as quickly as I could. "Ms. Amante what happened?" I asked as we continued staircase after staircase.

"Go away Ominis" She said with a firm tone but I could hear the tremble in her words. She was losing control again.

"Ms. Amante talk to me where are you going?" I begged. She didn't reply as I continued after her. Finally recognizing the path she was taking.

As we got to the astronomy tower hallway I finally blocked her from entering the room of requirement, scared that If she went in it would give her a proper hiding place away from me. If she was so dead set on being isolated the room would have given it to her.

"Ominis please." She said the tremble becoming far more prominent. "You spoke with Sebastian didn't you?" I asked.

I heard her voice break as she replied. "Yes" the sobs not far after.

I grabbed her waist and opened the door not allowing her to part from me as I brought her into our own little safe space.

Her grip on me was hard and shaking. She was holding on for dear life trying to keep her own magic at bay. "Where is your medicine?" I asked as we entered.

I knew she'd said she kept a supply here. The room providing it instantly as it knew she needed it. "On the bed but please. Don't let me take it Ominis"  She said between her sobs.

"What do you mean? You need it!" I said pulling her towards the center of the room and placing her on the edge of the bed.

"I can't keep hiding like this. I need to learn to control it on my own." She said as I felt around finally letting my hands rest on a box there.

I opened the box "You're in pain because of it. Just drink a bit to get yourself under control." I said handing her the first flask I felt. She pulled the flask from my hands, her own shaking violently as she tried to get it open.

"Let me" I said grabbing it from her hands. I uncapped it and placed it against her lips using my other hand to tilt her head back.

She drank it feverishly despite claiming she didn't want it. Like she had just crossed the desert and this was the first drink of water she'd had in days.

She leaned her head forward again and grasped the bottle from my hands forcing it back down as the bottle was finished.

Despite her pleas, she'd drinken far more than she needed to. Her own reliance on the draft was becoming more dangerous as time
went on.

I let my hands remain over hers but her shaking didn't soothe. It wasn't because of her magic anymore but just because of her own misery.

"What is wrong with me Ominis? Why do I feel like I need to be someone's tool?" She asked raising her hands to cover her face.

"I'm broken beyond repair. I can't keep doing this anymore." She said her voice breaking as she spoke.

"Ms. Amante you're not broken and you're not a tool. Please don't say that, my love." "Don't call me that Ominis I don't deserve it." She said pulling herself away from me entirely.

She stood up and began pacing the floor her steps still revealing the nervous unsteady rhythm as she was unable to calm down.

I pulled the box of her medicine off of the bed and placed it under it. Not wanting anything to get damaged as I knew this was about to turn into a tantrum of some kind.

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