Chapter 64: Their Redo

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Seeing her in person reminded me how much I loved Victoria Amante. The shape of her body, the color of her hair, the very shade of her skin, I loved ever part of it.

But as I felt the blood fill my nostrils, forcing me to breathe through my mouth. I was reminded of how much I loved Althea Herondale. Her strength, her eyes, her confidence. The power she exuded was breathtaking.

How any other man handle this bundle of pure fire, I'd never know. But I, would be honored and delighted to take on the challenge.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she knelt down beside me on the floor, her hands making quick work of taking the invisibility cloak off of me instead of my bloody nose.

"I was intending to save you but I'm just laying on the floor currently. What are you doing here?" Sass works well when you've still got truth serum pumping through you.

She narrowed her eyes at me. But the annoyance was clearly not her primary emotion right now. I could see the joy she felt when she looked at me.

As I lifted my hand to grasp hers, I saw those familiar shivers rush through her, despite her attempts to hide them.

Even after what I'd done, getting her trapped here, she still cared for me. That much was obvious.

"You look like a goddess." I muttered as I watched her shift to grab a stray shirt from the floor to begin wiping the blood off my face.

"Merlin's beard. How hard did I hit you?" She asked as she held up a hand with her index and middle fingers held up. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Two." I said confidently. She let out a relieved sigh and went back to cleaning my face.

As I watched her work, her eyes traveled over my attire her cheeks beginning to grow a light shade of pink. "What?" I asked as I held a hand up to her cheek, only deepening the shade.

She got up, clearly finished with cleaning me off as she went to go put the (now stained) shirt in with her other laundry. "Just haven't seen you in dress robes since..." she trailed off but I knew exactly what she was thinking.

I had dawned the exact same outfit in the astronomy tower the night I'd confessed to her. Our mini yule ball that felt like it had happened eons ago.

I rose to my feet, her eyes following my movements in the mirror as I had to grab onto her bed frame for support, my nose instantly dripping again.

"Damnit Seb! Lay down. You're gonna get dizzy and I think I broke your nose from the looks of it." She said before glancing back at the mirror and turning the whole thing around.

"Am I not handsome with a broken nose?" I asked as I obeyed. Shifting to sit down on her bed as she grabbed something out of her side table.

"Cast Episkey on it." She said, ignoring my question as she shifted forward, something clutched tightly in her hand.

"I don't know that spell." I said as I stared at her clutched fist. What did she have?

"Fine. Give me your wand." She muttered holding out her free hand.

"You're going to use mine? What if it doesn't-" "I'm a good healer, it's in the name, even with a second hand wand I'll still be able to fix it. Now give." She said firmly.

I handed over my wand, watching her take the white stick and grip the checkered handle tightly. With no warning or preparation she cast the spell, my face feeling almost like she'd landed another punch as my nose righted itself.

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