Chapter 32: Relaxation And Redheads

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The soothing music played behind me as I tended my plants in the room of requirement.

The pianos melody kept me calm as my mind attempted to wander repeatedly from my current tasks.

I snipped away at the dittany branches, pulled stray vines from the mallowsweet, and even was able to store a few rolls of gillyweed although I'll never reveal where I had found the seeds.

I began putting them in jars and vials making a small basket before striding over and turning off the record player. As soon as the music ended I felt my head begin to pound the lack of sound berating me.

"Let me out" her voice demanded not even a mirror around to act as a conduit for it.

I grasped at my head trying to force the voice away the throbbing only increasing from my efforts.

"Let me out!" She yelled again as I  instantly began being tormented with my own memories.

"Please can I go in Daddy please please please?" I pleaded as I watched my father in his fancy dress robes getting ready to greet the evenings party guests.

"As I've said you can't be seen at these functions Princess. It's not fit for you." He said causing a frown to tug at my face.

I was 15 at the time still only having looked though cracked doors at the partygoers. I'd wanted more than anything to be seen standing side by side with my siblings. To meet new people and dance the night away with someone, anyone, heck I even would have danced with a troll if it would get me out there.

"Listen, Princess, I was going to save it, but I actually have something special planned for you tonight. Go to the gardens Gazebo. There'll be someone there I'd like for you to meet" he said with a smile.

I didn't return it. I knew the context of what he'd been planning. I had heard his yelling with mother from his office as he'd tried delaying my meeting with the man.

My mother had claimed this was a ladies duty. This was what we were meant to do. Especially with our families pure blood status.

My father had insisted I was too young for all of it. Said I needed to be allowed to meet people before being forced into a match with someone I'd never met.

Eventually in their arguing my mother had won and they'd began sifting through choices not even allowing me to take part in the decision of my own future.

"You're a liar daddy, I won't go." I said crossing my arms over my chest. The sequins of the lavender ballgown I wore feeling uncomfortable against my arms.

When he'd asked me to get dressed for the night I of course, like an idiot, thought I'd actually get to attend my first party. I should have known it was too good to be true.

"You knew this day was coming Princess. Give him a chance. It won't be for another few years that the match will need to be sealed anyway" he said before leaning down and kissing the crown of my head.

"Do this for me. Give it a shot. You've read enough storybooks to know that love can greet you in odd ways" he said before standing up tall and pushing me gently towards the exit to the gardens.

I frowned but followed my orders. Walking through the pathways of shrubs and stone until the candlelit gazebo greeted me with its romantic lighting.

I entered and leaned myself against the banisters of the gazebo looking out at the night sky and it's beauty.

I could hear the music from inside the main hall, hear the laughter of the other patrons as they enjoyed their drinks, but most importantly, after about ten minutes of the parties noise, I could hear the footsteps approaching my current position.

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