Chapter 78: A Surprise Party

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The sounds of the main desk chair being pulled and used marked Edwin's placement in the room as Sebastian and I took to leaning against the fireplace across the library.

"How is she? Truly?" Edwin asked, a much softer tone than he'd used earlier.

"Happy." I replied instantly. "Constantly laughing, drawing, reading-" "I know that I'm not-..." edwin cut himself off with a sigh before saying the word I knew was on the tip of his tongue.


"I know you both disagree with my methods but for her training was always necessary. That magic of ours craves an outlet, to be used, even for me it can become too much at times."

"She has plenty of that I assure you." Sebastian said.

I'm not too sure weather he's implying the sword training that they typically do in the evening, or the other 'exercise' that we tend to be doing lately.

Edwin seemed to have the same thoughts as he shuddered.

"I can see that you decided against taking the potions I gifted you." Edwin said as he leaned back in the desk, a small creak coming from the chair in protest.

"Not even Althea recognized that brew, what is it anyway?" Sebastian asked before I could get a word out.

"Something to right a past wrong." Edwin said, enough sadness in his tone that I wanted nothing more than to pry.

"Omi?" The tug at my arm shook my thoughts back into the present and the couple next to me.

We're on our way to the three broomsticks already, albeit a bit late. The morning managed to be filled with a tight group cuddle as we all tried to calm down after the Herondales visit.

Edwin managed to put both Sebastian and I on edge after less than an hour in that library together. However he did help in my efforts of separating my thoughts from hers.

It wasn't much more than what I'd already figured out but at least it was something.

"Yes my darling?" I asked as I ran a hand down the warmth of her bare arm, those delighted shivers making a smile instinctively decorate my face.

"Do you think it will be just us there?"

"I'm sure you'll see a few familiar faces. It is Friday evening after all and you know how everyone spends their weekends here."

Sebastian let out a deep breath through his nose before I felt my wife's body drift closer to his, being tugged by his grip around her shoulders.

"Would you be upset if there are?" He asked, getting a small hum of contentment.

"I don't know." She admitted. "I'd like to see Poppy again, and Natsai would...." I couldn't help the thoughts that began to swirl as we continued our walk. Couldn't help the man's words that had been playing on repeat inside of my head.

"Are you all taking precautions against your brothers? Or from my older children for that matter?" Edwin asked.

"I thought Nimue and Nathan were with you! And aren't they under orders anyway?" Sebastian asked.

A shrug came from the older gentleman. "My eldest children left as soon as Althea did. As for their orders, they won't be able to harm Althea directly but their are always workarounds. Especially from them since they've had this connection for so long."

I could tell from his tone that he was trying his best to remain calm but it was clear from just the hitch in his breathing.

This man is scared.

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