Chapter 28: Blue Swirls

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Trigger warning: Blood, Self Harm, Torture, Trauma, all that good stuff.


"Tell me you're joking" Poppy said as we stood inside Gladrags clothing shop on Wednesday evening.

Benji smirked grasping the red shirt out of my hand and putting it back on the shelf. "Even I have to agree. There's no way you can wear red this Friday with what you just told us." He said pulling a green jersey next to it.

"Tell me again about Sebastian's dance. Oh I'm so happy that he's finally found someone besides Anne to Love." She said grasping the green jersey from Benji and twirling in her spot.

Benji scoffed at her words. "Did you not hear what Ominis did for her? With the books and the flowers? He's always so brooding it's insane for him to open up to her like that." Benji said instantly defending that he thought Ominis was a better choice.

I'd left out the detail to him about our meeting being in the room of requirement. Yet he'd never even pressed for any details like that. Nor did he seem in any way offended that I could be infringing on his pretend romance with Ominis.

The two had seemed to become close friends over the past few weeks. What was originally a spiraling lie had turned into daily hang out sessions for the both of them which they seemed to enjoy.

"But Ominis is so quiet. He would want their love to be private and hidden. Almost like he'd be embarrassed of her. Benji you've already seen how he hides during your 'dates'" she said.

The words weren't a lie. Ominis did tend to keep his interactions a bit private and PDA wasn't his strong suit. But that didn't make him any less of a good choice in partner.

"Oh yes because the true test of romance is if he's willing to try and stick his tongue down her throat on the central staircase. Listen to yourself Sweeting!" He said yanking the jersey back from her and handing it to me.

I took a step back attempting to make my way to the counter as they argued.

This wasn't hard as both of them had begun staring each other down as if the one who blinked first had the lesser argument.

Augustus Hill gave me a raised eyebrow as I set the green shirt on the counter. "Why Is a Gryffindor trying to make you wear a Slytherin Jersey?" He asked glancing over at Benji and I couldn't help but groan at the question.

"Please don't ask" I said as he rang me up for my item and I paid before walking out of the shop.

I still wore both jewelry pieces keeping both hidden under the fabric of my clothes.

I had shown both to Benji and Poppy earlier as I'd told the stories of the confessions. Leaving out certain key details like the use of my name or the memories I'd handed off to Sebastian.

Both parties had instantly taken a side trying to push my decision forward. I knew I had to chose soon. Keeping them both wasn't an option now that they'd both confessed.

But I love both of them. I'm such different ways. Ominis feels safe. Like any bit of our family history could be overcome if we worked together. But I felt like there were secrets about my past I could never tell him. At the end of the day my past was much darker than his and I couldn't trust that If I told him he would ever treat me the same way.

Ominis gave me small amounts of fear. Like any time I would lose control he would most likely lose it on me just as he did at the catacomb.

Even if I did deserve it would I be able to handle that? Would he eventually just get tired of my attempts to be better? I'm not as good at this as he is. Maybe being around him was just the kind of support I would need.

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