Chapter 3: The Restricted Section

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After about three hours with Ominis he stood up hand in mine. "Ready to head back?" He asked flashing a bright smile.

I really had enjoyed my time with him. In a weird way I was so happy that I had lied to Sebastian earlier today. If only because it granted me this evening with Ominis instead.

"Of course, thank you sir" I said softly ss we headed out of the three broomsticks together.

As we hit the warm night air I noticed a familiar owl perched on a nearby lamp post. A letter gripped in its beak.

"One moment Ominis" i said raising my arm out to the bird. It flew down to me using my arm as a perch and digging it's talons into my arms.

I took the note and the owl quickly flew away from me, back in the direction of the castle.

Victoria, I've discovered where we need to go next. There is an item in the restricted section that you will need to retrieve. Your sight will guide you. As much as I want to help you Professor Black is sending me to the ministry.

Stay safe and Stay alert, Professor Fig.

I folded the note neatly and looked over at Ominis. He stood waiting patiently for me with his back to the building we'd just left. His tall, slim frame seamed more than relaxed against the cold stone of the pub.

"I need to ask a favor" I said walking up to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. His pale face turned a light shade of pink.

"Anything for you Darling" he said softly placing a hand at my cheek. I leaned into his warmth. His touch alone probably could have kept me there for hours more.

"I need a way to sneak into the restricted section. Do you know a good way to get in?" I asked softly. I went to rise my hand to meet his but he pulled away turning to face in the opposite direction of me.

"The only help I can offer on that is to go to Sebastian." He said sounding audibly frustrated.

I couldn't help but gape at the quick shift in mood. The way he'd broken our silence about his best friend and now seemed almost angry at me for asking a simple question.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you." he said pulling his wand. The red thrum igniting as he took long strides away from me.

I attempted to follow him, loosing distance with every step. "Ominis I didn't mean to-" "Sorry I broke our promise to not speak of him." He said finally as he continued his fast walk. Pulling himself further from me than I could keep up with.

Before long Ominis was out of reach. I sighed deeply and decided to stop running after him. The journey would be fine on my own anyway.

It hurt that he'd left me on my own. The night had gone by quite well. I guess it was my fault for bringing up the restricted section though. I didn't know Ominis well but I know him well enough to say he never would sneak into a place like that. Too risky.

I continued on the trail recognizing the small building ruins and the forbidden forest entrance. "A castle, must have been quite stately in its time" I mumbled to myself.

The height of the ruins was vast but the idea of calling it an actual castle in comparison to Hogwarts was almost laughable.

As I strode past the ruins I felt goosebumps stand on the back of my neck. The feeling of being watched crawling under my skin.

Looking around I noticed four goblins following me from behind the rubble of the building. Their metal armor gleaming in the moonlight. Their axes shined with a red luminescence that I recognized from the goblins fig and I had run into at gringotts.

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