Chapter 19: Quidditch Practice

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My uniform felt itchy as I went through Herbology that day. I could barely focus as professor Garlick went on about the properties of some herb I already knew was probably growing in the room of requirement.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Adelaide Oaks at my side. "First practice jitters?" She asked.

I couldn't tell if she was being genuine or if this was some new gateway into her torment. "Just excited to get into uniform is all." I relied deciding that was the safest course.

I felt the familiar hand snake it's way around my waist on the opposite side of me. His attempts at making Adelaide jealous had not halted despite the events of our fall break.

"I'm sure you do. So desperate to match me just a tad." He smirked.

I threw up an eyebrow at this comment. "I'm gold, you're green. We don't match at all" I giggled at the curly haired Slytherin.

"Have you forgotten our numbers match?" He smirked. "Captain Amante."

I had temporarily forgotten our matching captain positions. In my defense there were plenty of other things to worry about during our week off.

Adelaide's voice spoke again. "Well I just wanted to walk with my captain back to the dormitories, hoping to run through a few things with her and some other players, Poppy and Lenora should be waiting on us already" she said.

I looked back at Sebastian his eyes meeting mine instantly. The look made the plan crystal clear in an instant.

Put on a show that this girl couldn't get past.

"I have to go, my team needs me my love" I said as I leaned dramatically into his grasp. He placed his fingers on my chin and moved my face closer to his.

"But I need you too. So badly." He said letting his other hand run a bit farther south. "I swear you stand so close just to get me all hot and bothered my sweet" he said.

"After our long evenings together I'm surprised you even have the energy anymore." I said leaning dangerously close to his lips.

Adelaide scoffed from next to us and turned tail before leaving the green house.

The laughter that followed felt absolutely amazing as I moved to pull away from the Slytherin.

His grip loosened but didn't release. He lingered there for a second gazing down at me.

The touch felt almost awkward now as it was no longer tied to any kind of joke or jealousy plot.

That night in the undercroft we'd basically only silently agreed to stop ignoring each other. The typical flirting had stopped entirely and both of us knew that.

"Victoria I...." He removed his arm from me. "Good luck today" he said before walking away from me.

"Thank you Sebastian." I said after him before walking out of the greenhouse.

I spotted the three sets of yellow robes and ran to catch up with my team.

"Must you both do that? I swear it's every time" Adelaide spoke as I began walking beside them.

"What can I say? It's much more fun with an audience" I said watching the girl frown and pick up speed.

I laughed loudly before giving Lenora a tap on the shoulder and tugging at her sleeve for her to come closer.

"Alright I'm ready to listen." I said looking at the previous quidditch captain.

She gave a friendly smile before listing strategies after strategies, leading us all the way to the Hufflepuff barrels.

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