Chapter 91: Ominis' Last Gift

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I felt like I wasn't in my own body anymore. Like I was watching someone else kneel and lift up Ominis' head as his blank eyes stared lifelessly up at the night sky.

I could hear myself screaming but my entire being had gone numb. I couldn't feel the way my throat stung as my voice ripped through the void. I couldn't feel the hot tears that poured down my face in such heavy waves that my vision blurred. I couldn't feel the pain as the mark on my back shrank into a blot of ink and then vanished entirely.

Marvolo slowly stood up from his place across the small field, trembling from the after effects of the cruciatus curse.

Ominis had used dark magic because of me. I hadn't heard what was said but I know it was my fault. All he'd wanted was to be good and I'd tainted that.

I am filth. I never deserved him. I never deserved any of the light he'd brought into my life. Not the smiles or the laughter or the love he'd provided.

"A-Althea." Marvolo moved and placed his hand on my shoulder as another screaming sob ripped through me. "Althea look at me."

I couldn't. I couldn't look away from Ominis. It felt like if I did he'd disappear. If I looked away I'd forget him again. I couldn't forget him. I wouldn't forget him.

"Wake up." I screamed. I didn't know if I was talking to myself or Ominis anymore. "Please wake up!"

"Althea!" Marvolos hand moved to my throat, forcing my eyes up to his.

I don't know why I ever compared their eyes before. Looking at them now they were so incredibly different.

Ominis' eyes were the pale blue of a clear morning sky. A promise of peace and relaxation. His eyes were the color of the open ocean, of the crisp waves that invited you to jump in and forget your troubles.

Marvolos eyes were the color of ice. The pale blue shade of a frozen wasteland that never knew warmth or care. It was a shade to hide from. A shade that promised the end.

Marvolos eyes were death and pain while Ominis' had been life and joy.

They weren't alike at all. They'd never been alike.

"You k-killed him." The words were a whisper between sobs as they passed my lips.

"I had to." He said as his grip loosened and he kneeled in front of me. "I had to princess."

"You killed him!" The words came across again as I lifted my hands and placed them over his. I pulled his grip off of me entirely. "He was your brother! He was your brother and you murdered him Marvolo!"

"I did it for you. For us!" He tried to reach towards me again but I shoved him away, throwing all of my force into it.

"Get the hell away from me! I didn't want this! I love him! I am his wife! I...." I choked on the words as I realized they weren't true anymore.

I loved him. Past tense.

I was his wife. Past tense.

He was mine, but not anymore.

None of our plans mattered now. I'd never be surrounded with the litter of children that bore his best traits back at me. I'd never feel him sweep me off my feet again. I'd never hear his laugh or have him call me darling again. It was all over.

"Althea, he was controlling you." Marvolo stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "He twisted your memories. Remember? We traveled the world together. We've been together for months. We danced in the living room and read by the fire every night. We kissed on top of the Eiffel Tower and ate dinner next to the steps of the Colosseum."

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