Chapter 61: Getting Through The Door

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"This is going to draw a lot of eyes" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. Unable to stop staring at the attire that had been designed specifically with me in mind.

While every other girl got to wear ball gowns with fluffy skirts and done up hair, I was meant to be the center of attention, and Daddy already knew the kind of clothing I preferred.

Veronica sat behind me. Her hands grazing over the last few strands of hair as she continued flattening out my curls.

"You're going to draw eyes no matter what you do. Might as well embrace it." She said before taking a step back to admire her handiwork.

"Well I'm sure to be the envy of all men tonight." I heard from the doorway, not even needing to look to know exactly who stood waiting for me.

"It's rude to enter a ladies room without knocking Mr. Gaunt." I said as I turned my attention to the man who stood directly outside of the doorway.

"Well I haven't entered yet so..." he said before sarcastically knocking on the doorframe and striding inside.

"It's not proper for you to be in here while I'm getting ready." I said trying to limit my sass as much as possible. After all my sister was watching.

"And since when does Althea Herondale care about what's proper?" He asked as he began to look my being up and down, circling me like a predator eying it's prey.

I rolled my eyes as he finally let his hands reach out to me, his hand reaching the fabric at my stomach as he let his fingers trail to my hips.

"It's a good thing your father is introducing us as fiancés tonight. I want every man in that room to know exactly who you belong to." He said as he shifted to stand behind me, my eyes meeting his through the reflection in the mirror. "You know the rules?" He asked.

"Eyes on you and only you." I repeated, the phrase that he'd drilled into my head for the past few days. "Although at this point why not just put a dog collar on me and call me your bitch." I said letting the sarcasm drip from my words.

His fingers moved upwards to graze over the skin at my throat. "Don't tempt me, Princess."

Both of our eyes trailed to Veronica. Watching her hands fidget as she debated on weather she was meant to leave us alone or endure the awkwardness of staying.

"I brought you something." Marvolo said as he reached into his coat pocket and pulling something from the fabric. "Give me your hand" he said.

I held up my right hand to him obediently. A small chuckle coming from him. "The other one." He said.

"Why does it matter?" I asked causing him to roll his eyes.

"Can you listen to me for once?" He asked as I tilted my head upwards to look him directly in the eye.

"You enjoy the challenge and you know it." I said causing a smirk to spread across his features.

He turned me in his grip, grabbing hold of my left hand and sliding on a silver ring with a large black center stone.

The stone had an engraving on it of a circle encased in a triangle with a long line piercing through it. A familiar ring and rune that I'd seen many times before if only slightly different.

He held up his own hand, displaying the gold version of his own. The Gaunt family ring that had been passed down again and again to the eldest son.

"I had it made for you. I know you prefer silver so I didn't want to give you mine." He said.

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