Chapter 31: The Afterparty

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Smut warning.


As the Slytherin common room filled with students the mix of green and yellow with speckles of blue mixed throughout filled my eyes.

The loud music played from a rather large record player the heavy music driving the students in the room to dance and sing loudly.

The furniture had all been moved before the party had even begun. The confidence in a win and an afterparty was something our house was well known for.

I scanned around the room and finally spotted, away from the crowd, my best friends standing by the windows.

Her head was rested on his shoulder the brown locks falling neatly over both of their green attire. His hand was at her waist pulling her close to him.

As I began to approach that side of the room I was stopped by several students offering their congratulations and offering me refreshments.

I finally grabbed one I was handed in the blur of the crowd just trying to get the request of taking one off of my back.

I finally broke away giving one of the familiar globes a spin as I passed the several couples that sat in this lounging area. The kissing and groping despite being in a public setting being quite intriguing.

"I am beginning to think you were both pulling my leg" Victoria giggled at Ominis. He laughed back with her "Why would we lie to you? If she says they're there then they are" he said.

She shifted in his grasp to peer out of the tall windows pressing her hands against the glass as if it would allow her to see further.

"Hello Sebastian." Ominis said as I halted my approach about three feet behind them. Simply enjoying the view of her in the parties lights.

She turned to gaze at me her Slytherin Jersey fitting loosely on top of her small frame. She'd used an elastic to tighten the bottom allowing her slim waist silhouette to be visible. She wore bright red lipstick that made her skin appear pale in comparison. It was an odd sight as she never typically wore any makeup.

"Congratulations Captain Sallow your first win of the season" she said breaking from Ominis' grasp and striding towards me.

She grasped the cup from my hand and gave it a swig before wrapping her hands around my neck and pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged her back allowing the warmth of her body to envelope me for just a second as her soft whisper passed my ear. "Can you really spot mermaids out of the window?" She asked attempting to speak so that Ominis couldn't hear her.

"Of course, they visit us constantly" I lied watching Ominis' smirk from behind her.

She pulled away from our embrace far too soon and handed back my cup before gazing out of the window again. The excitement on her face was well worth the white lie.

I took a swig from the goblet the familiar burn of fire whiskey burning my throat along with the sour taste of its unknown mixer.

"Didn't bring any for me?" Ominis asked clearly referring to Victoria and I's now shared beverage.

"Since when do you drink?" I asked striding next to my friend who was clearly biting the inside of his cheek as he thought.

"I know how to have fun Sallow" he said and I couldn't help but smile as I handed over the glass.

He swigged it and made a face instantly touching his throat as if it would sooth the burn.

"Yes Ominis you're loads of fun" I teased.

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