Chapter 14: Nightmares

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The air was freezing as I ran through the thick forest brush. The air in my throat feeling like a million daggers as the cold entered my windpipe.

The forest was covered in a thick blanket of snow. The weather making it impossible to hide from my pursuer. My only chance was to keep running.

The girl behind me had no such rush. Her green dress dying the snow behind her a deep red shade as she walked. The trail of blood she left in her wake was terrifying.

Her voice was calm over the silent woods. "You know this doesn't work, you either embrace me or you live in fear." She said almost singing the words.

"I won't" I said attempting to look back and see her distance from me.

A stray branch cost me my balance, tossing me into the soft ice on the ground. It was deep, deep enough to have made running difficult and making getting up a pain.

I started to bring myself to my feet but the sharp pain of the sharp heels she wore pierced into my chest. The thin brown shirt that covered me doing nothing to protect from the impact.

The woman stood over me the dazzling shade of her green eyes being in such contrast with her long brown hair.

There's something truly terrifying about staring at yourself in the mirror and not even seeing a proper reflection but an image of yourself skewed in darkness.

The green crown on her head shimmered and shined as she spoke, the magic within it begging for its host.

She smiled at me. "You can't keep playing this game, you know you'll lose" she said the singsong voice still as calm as ever as she dug her heel into me.

I cried out in pain as I felt the warm sticky feeling of my blood begin to drip from the new injury.

"Go home puppy, I'm sure you've had enough of your childish playtime." She sneered.

The snow around me slowly began to melt. It's pure white changing into the deep crimson of her trail.

I struggled to get up, her stance not letting me move an inch. The melting snow began to create a pool around me. I could feel the substance surrounding me, filling up the area.

I tried to lift my head feeling the moisture begin to envelope me. "Please, I don't want you" I said to my reflection.

The green eyes I'd looked at in the mirror for years came closer as she leaned down to me. We were almost nose to nose. "And who says I need you?" She asked before pushing me down into the pool that surrounded me.

My head went under quickly, I didn't even have time to take a breath.

There was no ground, no surface, just the red liquid that surrounded me. My throat burned as it sought air.

I attempted to swim, moving up in a pool with no top. Hearing soft whispers speak my name as the pain began to take over my entire body.

The whispers grew louder as I felt my body start to give in. I was going to die here. Nothing left but to listen.



"Victoria wake up"

I felt the hand shaking my shoulder as I was pushed out of my sleep. The fabric walls of the tent filling my vision as I stared at the ceiling.

"Hey, you were having a nightmare"

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