Chapter 42: Jealousy

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Maturity warning

The next week passed in the blink of an eye. I may or may not have intentionally gotten caught sneaking into the restricted section over the weekend and ended up with a few more detentions alongside Victoria.

She'd seemed completely oblivious to my antics although I can't say the same about Ominis.

Everytime I was around the two of them weather it be for classes or just trying to be friendly he would seemingly always make sure he was touching her waist or her thigh. Even at times pulling her in to kiss him as he heard me approaching.

The jealousy ate at me. I knew I had no right to feel that way. It was my fault that he had her in the first place.

But every-time she looked at me I found myself curious. Did those feelings she'd displayed in the undercroft still exist? Did she still feel like she would be happy to just to be used by me?

During our days in detention she seemed to open up more and more. Discussing her anxieties about her magic and the practice she'd been putting forward in controlling it.

She said she could now go a full day without taking the medicine at all. That was when she could finally get to the point like she'd been in the forbidden forest with me.

But she said the she would usually have to rely heavily on the medicine directly after. The voices and shakes coming with violent ferocity.

"Do you think Ominis would hate me if I told him I didn't want to destroy it?" She has asked me during Thursday nights detention.

We had finished the list within half an hour and just decided to sit together beneath one of the many rickety footbridges in order to pass a bit of time together.

"He wouldn't hate you. He cares for you more than I've ever seen him care for another person. I'm sure if you explained it to him he would understand." I replied honestly as I watched her stare down at her hands.

"I think I've done something to make him hate me now." She said softly her voice sounding deeply upset and honest.

She hadn't talked about it but I could tell that something had been going on during the week. Her typical smiles and joy had been dwindling as the days progressed.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I watched her pull her knees into her chest.

"He's been so distant in the evenings. He always asks me how detention was and then he just rolls over and says he's tired. He used to say he couldn't sleep if he wasn't holding me and now...." She buried her face in her knees.

"Im sorry I shouldn't complain to you about it." She said.

I placed a hand on her shoulder not really sure of what else I could do in the moment. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you Victoria." I said.

We sat there in silence for a moment. The sound of the water passing filling the void of sound.

She perked her head up for a moment suddenly remembering something she'd forgotten. "Oh I brought this. I had meant to take the notes out of it but..."

She reached into her robes and pulled out Slytherins spellbook holding it out to me as she did.

"Are you finally finished with it?" I asked with a small chuckle as I opened it up.

"Not really. But you said you wanted to help me. And you're a bit more adept with textbook dark magic than I am" She admitted.

I barely heard her words as I pulled the first note from the book. My sisters name written in bold lettering with a simple question mark at the end.

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