Chapter 34: Her Wrong Choice

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On Wednesday I made my way down into the undercroft expecting a bit of alone time for myself and my thoughts.

These dreams still hadn't left feeling more and more vivid each time they had occurred. Everytime I woke up I felt myself grasping the air in front of me like she would still be there.

Luckily the girl in question had been off doing her tasks for professor Fig and the Keepers. So the entire week she'd been completely absent from classes.

Even when I'd asked Poppy where she was she just shrugged saying she came in their room late every night and left before she would wake up.

Hopefully some alone time would center my thoughts. Get the entire Green Vs. Brown drama to leave my head.

Unfortunately, as I opened the bottom barred door I instantly realized that I was not alone.

Victoria laid out on the stone floor completely asleep. The pendent id given her on full display outside of her clothes.

At her side laid an open sketchbook along with a quill and a spilled vial of ink that had already made its way to the yellow fabric of her blazers sleeve.

She seemed peaceful despite what must have been the most uncomfortable sleeping place I'd ever seen. Although I knew it couldn't be too bad. Ominis fell asleep in odd places as well.

I shut the door behind me and made my way closer to her. Her soft breathing drawing me in.

She looked roughed up. A cut across her face and her lip was visibly busted. Injuries she must have received from her time off of school grounds.

I leaned down and grasped the book. Several pencil drawings lined it's pages as I flipped through.

She seemed to draw anything and everything from brooms to vials to beasts.

Several images were of Poppy weather she was laying in the beds of their dorm room or smiling as she brushed a puffskein.

The next images were of Ominis' boyfriend Benji, his happy image leaned against a pillar, another image of him and Ominis laughing together.

The next three pages were all images of Ominis alone, but most of them weren't full sketches.

They were images of his hands as they were clasped together, one of his wand as it was raised and ready to cast, there were three that were simply his smile and eyes, pieces and parts of a content expression.

There was only one full image of ominis. That trailed across two pages, as if she was scared if she made it smaller she would lose any of the details of him.

It was him in the defense against the dark arts tower. Sitting in that odd corner on the floor next to a globe.

It took me a second to realize the images were labeled with permanent ink. The same ink that now stained the undercroft floor.

Each one had a date at the bottom. Mostly from the beginning of the semester.

I had recognized the date under the drawing of Ominis to be two days before I'd shown her the undercroft. Back before their very first fight.

I flipped the page again and felt my cheeks go red as I was greeted with my own face. Not once but repeatedly.

Images of me in potions class leaning over a cauldron, images of me in my quidditch gear, images of us dancing together during the night I'd confessed my feelings to her.

The images of us at our confession night were horrible to look at. In every image she'd attempted to draw herself with me. But every time she'd feverishly scribbled out herself ruining the beautiful drawing repeatedly.

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