Chapter 22: The Visitor From Durmstrang

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"Hello Ms. Amante" Professor Fig said as I shut the door to his office behind me.

"How do you always know it's me?" I asked as I walked into the office and sat myself in front of his  large desk.

"Because you're the only one who walks in without knocking" he said smiling at me.

We'd known each other for much over a year now. The joking and playful banter came so naturally with him. He almost felt like a father figure to me.

"What can I do for you?" He asked shutting the book he'd been reading.

I sighed as I gazed down at my feet. "I need more of my medicine, I think I'm going to need it" I said and I could see from the side that he tensed up.

"What are you planning that you'd need that?" He asked a bit of disappointment twinging his words.

"The trials are becoming so difficult, and I-" "The truth Ms. Herondale" he said.

Professor Fig was the only person I had trusted with all of my secrets. From my name to my family history.

He had found me a bit over a month after I'd run away from home, Hogwarts letter in hand.

He took care of me. Taught me how to start controlling my magic and had even put me on a calming draft to help me through it.

The medicine helped but I had now grown to rely on it. If I even took it an hour too late I could feel myself shake and begin to lose control.

"I'll be doing some exploring off grounds with Sebastian Sallow. I'd like to be prepared is all" I said softly.

He sighed and placed his palms on his temples. "Is this about his sister again?" He asked and I gave a short nod.

"You can't keep doing this Victoria. You're projecting your relationship with Veronica onto them and you know it" he said and I felt my hands ball up at the name.

"I just want to help." I said softly in reply.

"Using your power, or anything to make your affliction worse is not going to help you" he said and I sighed before rising to my feet.

"I'm sorry I asked" I said before beginning to make my way out.

"Wait" he said holding his hand up as he rose from his seat.

He walked around his desk heading towards me and I felt myself tense up scared at what would happen next.

He pulled me into a hug the action bringing a small pang of comfort to me. "How much do you believe you need" he asked softly.

"Anything you have." I replied as I felt him tense up a bit again.

He didn't ask anything else as he let go and walked across the room. He opened a small chest and pulled the four different flasks from it.

"Be careful please, and ration this, it will take time to brew more" he said as he handed over the containers.

One flask could typically last me about three days so this should be able to tide me over for a bit.

"You'll have to teach me how to make it eventually" I said giving him a soft smile. "You'll rely on it more heavily if I do" he said placing a hand on the crown of my head.

"Be careful please." He said and I nodded at him. "I always am" I said before turning and heading out of his office tucking the four flasks away in my robes.



The trees of the forbidden forest felt like a cage. The cold night air feeling so much worse in the dark.

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