Chapter 77: Family Troubles

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A whimper left my throat as I felt the flat of Marvolos hand sting my face.

Nathan and I thought it only right to follow after them. Nathan did so because their family is higher than ours and since he only has sisters, it's 'his job' to try and raise the Herondale name higher.

I followed because of Mattheo. He and I have been through too much together now for me to abandon him.

The man in question now stood across the room, trying his best not to look in my direction as he kept his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's the point of your little mind powers if they don't work?! You were supposed to separate them! You were supposed to make them hate each other!" Marvolo shouted as he glared down at me.

He honestly was more terrifying now then he'd ever been before. He hadn't let anyone fix his now disheveled appearance and was always two seconds from snapping.

"I-I tried!" I cried out only earning another slap in reply, this one knocking me off my feet and onto the floor.

"You're supposed to be the smart one Nimue!" He said as he stepped forward again stealing away any chance I had of escape.

"Marvolo." Mattheo stepped toward us, lightly trying to soothe his brothers raging temper.

"What?! Our lot is in shambles and she-" "I can try again!" I said locking eyes with Mattheo.

His pleaded with me to stop talking. To not dig this hole any deeper than it was. But Marvolo wasn't going to let up.

Not until he got what he wanted.

"What do you mean?" Marvolo asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Like the candy canes. Send them some kind of wedding present and I can lace it. Depending on how much they consume they'll be at each others throats in no time." I said forcing a smile as I pleaded my case.

"That didn't work last time what makes you think this would be different?" He asked again stepping forward, his hands forming fists against his arms.

"I only tried with the boys last time. I can mess with her directly and as a bonus she has her full magic back, along with her wand." I said.

Marvolos eyes lit up with the realization. I didn't need to be anywhere inside his head to picture the dark thoughts running rampant inside that brain.

He would have no greater joy then seeing my sister end the men she loves. Take immense pleasure in seeing that magic tear her and the both of them apart.



Althea let out a small frustrated groan as she sat on the floor before the lit fireplace. "I just can't get your nose right." She grumbled as she glanced up at me with squinted eyes.

"You're right it's far bigger than that." Ominis said, attempting a joke as he sat at the library's desk. He was feeling over some kind of papers I didn't care to show interest in.

"Is it?" She asked as she held up the drawing, staring at it then me then it on repeat.

Ominis narrowed his blind gaze at her. "Darling, not only am I not near you to see it but..." he let the words trail as he waved a hand in front of his unseeing eyes.

"Oh. Right." She said as her cheeks glowed pink and she placed it back down on her lap. "I guess I'm just out of practice." She mumbled as she bit her bottom lip.

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