Chapter 73: The Fine Print

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Edwin stepped out of the quickly disappearing crowd. Most having already apparated away as they'd seen the start of the fight breaking out.

His eldest children weren't far behind, each taking a place on either side of him as he placed himself in the center isle.

"Well well well. I suppose I should have expected something like this from you boys. My Althea had spoken very highly about your... persistence." He said with a sneer.

Victoria gave my hand a small squeeze. Agreeing wholeheartedly with the comment.

"Your Althea just broke her contract and put your legacy back in jeopardy, Edwin." The fake Sebastian replied, practically spitting the man's name.

Edwin threw up an eyebrow and turned to us. Trying to meet his daughters eyes for an explanation. Her gaze dropped to the tiled flooring at his feet, unable to meet that gaze.

My own father spoke, "You have no idea what you're talking about half-blood. I doubt the disappointment at your side does either." He practically hissed the words as he eyed what he thought was me. "Is this supposed to be some kind of grand declaration? Or perhaps just a way for Ominis to bring further embarrassment to our family name?"

The fake Sebastian's eyes took me in. That same seething rage still pouring from him before he turned his attention to Victoria.

That's Marvolo. I don't need to to be clarified any further. His eyes showed that he still thinks he owns her.

Their eyes met. Fear seeping into her mind as she held his stare. Fear that she refused to show him as she glared right back.

"You knew didn't you?" He asked, ashwinders beginning to make their way in from the main entrance.

"I don't know what you're-" A flick of the wrist sent red light towards us. Victoria was able to throw up a shield of shimmering green, causing it to ricochet towards the balconies.

"Don't you fucking lie to me!" The fake Sebastian seethed. "You selfish bitch! Do you have any idea what you've just done?!"

The ashwinders lunged, grabbing hold of the brunette and shoving him down onto his knees. He struggled but kept his gaze forward, attempting not to show weakness.

"No one likes a sore loser." The real Sebastian smirked next to me. "Why don't you just admit when you've been beaten?"

Victorias mind swirled and her breathing hitched. A dark version of her own voice invading her thoughts.

"And the wicked witch continues to play the damsel in distress." The voice said with a cruel laugh. "Do you think he knows he just ruined your life and his?"

I shake my head trying to tear her thoughts away from mine. Soon I'll figure out how to control these abilities. How to give her the privacy she deserves.

"Beaten?" The fake Sebastian laughed. "You've broken her contract. Continued years of this lot under our thumb doesn't sound like the reward of a beaten man." He said.

"What is he on about?" Edwin turned to face his daughter, trying to understand what was being said.

The moment he turned her eyes fell to the floor again, ashamed that she'd failed at what was supposed to be her purpose. Her use to the family she never fit in with.

Useless, failure, selfish....

The words flooded her mind and I finally couldn't stand it anymore. Couldn't take listening to this bullshit that was tearing her apart.

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