Chapter 29: Defending Poppys Honor

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I could hear him back away from the pensive clearly in an exasperated state. I reached out to him letting my hand rested on his back as he attempted to get a grasp on his rapid breathing.

"Are you alright?" I asked as he finally step forward to store the memory back in its vial it had originally been in.

"She's Victor Rookwood's niece? And those eyes... she used to be like that constantly... she's so amazing Ominis." He said. The tone of his voice making my heart sink.

He was able to see her darkness and call it amazing? He even saw that she was family with a person that had caused so much harm to the Scottish highlands as a whole and he was unfazed by it? I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised by it.

After all he'd acted similarly when he and I had met.

The feeling of the boats moving across the black lake made my stomach toss and turn the feeling of wanting to hurl prominent.

"Is it much farther?" I asked aloud to my partners in the boat knowing there were only two others with me.

"Can't you see the castle? It's just there" the young boy spoke aloud a slap sounding after his words. The boy yelped at his new wound.

"He's blind you moonmind." The girl spoke. Clearly much smarter than the boy she rode with. "We're a little over halfway there. Sorry about him. I seem to have taken all the brains before we were born." She giggled. "Im Anne Sallow, and this is my twin brother Sebastian" she said.

"Ominis Gaunt" a said as a small form of greeting ready to hear the cruel words that were sure to follow.

"A Gaunt? Aren't you all like Wizard royalty? Heard you're masters of the dark arts" Sebastian said with an excited twinge to his words. He yelped again I couldn't hear the reason but I was sure Anne had something to do with it.

"A name is just a name. It's the person that matters." She said a clear smile reflected in her voice.


"Samantha Dale" Professor Weasley spoke as the sorting ceremony continued I felt the Anne's presence next to me with Sebastian at my other side.

"What do you think you'll get?" Sebastian whispered next to me clearly very excited. "Most likely Slytherin. My family are descendentes of Salazar himself." I whispered back.

"Good cause Anne and I are going to be Slytherins and the three of us are going to be thick as thieves" Sebastian said grabbing my hand and giving a slight squeeze.

He was completely unfazed at being not only seen with a gaunt but being friends with one. This boy was a strange one to say the least but someone I was excited to get to know.

"Ominis Gaunt" Professor Weasley spoke. I raised my wand using it to guide me to the chair at the front of the great hall.

The whispers and chatter erupted as I finally pulled myself up the small set of stairs and sat myself down.

"Another Gaunt?"

"Definitely a Slytherin"

"Heard they use unforgivables for fun"

"I'd stay away from that one"

I closed my eyes the action helping me concentrate as I waited for the hat to be placed on my head.

The feeling never even came I'd felt its presence inches over my head as it's gravely voice boomed "Slytherin!"

The table at the far side erupted in cheers the sound of my older brothers erupting over the rest.

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